The Battle of Love

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George announced that the last challenge would be in one day to allow both parties to prepare. We went to Blake's grandma's house where Blake looked threw the spell book one last time to see if he could learn any spell that could help him win. While he did that I looked at the ring on my finger that was still slowly healing after siphoning a spell then I looked at the neckless left behind by my mother which I still had no clue what it did, and then I looked at my tail that glowed crimson red with the three strands of magic I knew. One strand black which was thick and long that held the shadow spell, one strand pink which was thin and wavy which held the sex swap spell, and one stand light blue that was thin and straight which held the ice sculpture spell. Then I thought to myself how I did not deserve the two thin spells or even the thick black one since I was more a siphoner; a being who uses very little magic if any and siphons it into energy to transform. But now the siphoner part of me was dead since after blood moon curse kicked into play I lost my ability to transform and though I had the magic in me I knew it would not hold me much longer before I had to feed on blood once more. That part of me scared me, the part of me that James gave his life to create that was part vampire and thrived on blood. But since I could no longer siphon magic since Blake's grandma told me if I relied on it too the ring would grow too strong and make me no longer match the spells vibration and when the dark magic was all that I had left it would consume me. But the idea that I couldn't hold the thirst back any more worried me more than being consumed by darkness since she also told me that if I took the time I could master the spells I learned to make them stronger so I wouldn't have to siphon them.

While I was trapped in thought Blake brought me close to him and kissed my forehead, I began to cry in the last person I had kissed was Timothy and after he died I thought I'd never love again and now a week after his death I have fallen for Blake. I don't know what is wrong with me; he drew me outside were he picked me up and began to fly. When we got into the air he waved me around in his human form whispering sweet nothings in my ear like how he wished he could always be with me and how he would never let me go. He rubbed his hand down my thigh and back up my still bare body, he drew his hand ever so close to my crotch and asked if it was ok after seeing what happened with George. I nodded and his moved his hand up to my crotch and kissed me on the lips before he began to feel me up, he told me happy birthday and then dropped me. I wondered how he knew it was my birthday as I fell but when I hit the ground I awoke and found out it was just a dream. Blake lied next to me asleep with his underwear on his he felt uncomfortable naked around me; I smiled and kissed him on the lips as he slept so peacefully not trying to wake him up since I knew today was the day of the challenge. I put my hand threw his coal black hair to see if I could find any new magic, I saw more strands of light blue and one new strange of red plus a color I've never seen on him before. He had one small strand of dark blue and I wondered what it did, I looked at the ring and knew I couldn't siphon it so I walked over to the table were the spell book lied.

I looked at the pages and realized that most of these spells would take me weeks if not months to learn since the dark magic in me would absorb them if I couldn't master them. I looked at the two spells I had and saw that they had began to fade so instead of learning new spells I void to master the ones I already knew. I flipped through the book and found the love spell chapter, I found the sex swap spell since it was the first light colored spell I learned I practiced it on myself a few times until the strand that held the spell was thinker and would last. I felt a burning sensation on my neck and stubble in the dim room to find a mirror; I looked inside and saw that a stripe had formed on the neckless that once was solid black. It now had a pink stripe showing that I had mastered a love spell, but I also noticed something else in the mirror that wasn't quite right (I had boobs!) I quickly tried turning myself back into a boy but when it failed I began to panic; but I quickly calmed down when I heard laughing in the back ground. I turned around a saw Sage laughing and telling me that I was too easy to mess with and that she was impressed that id practice a spell on myself to master it, and then she undid the spell making me cover up for a quick second even though my body wasn't exactly private to Sage. He snickered and gave me a pair of underwear she had brought along, I slipped my legs in first and then my tail all while looking down at my crotch to make sure I had the right parts down there. Sage laughed and asked that if she kept me as a girl would that make me straight, I gave her a death glare and she decided to make me straight a different way by turning Blake into a girl. We both laughed waking him up and I quickly turned him back before he noticed, Sage gave me a sad look and said I rowed her fun. Blake rubbed his eyes and asked why we were awake, I showed him my neckless and magic flow showing him that I mastered the sex swap spell. He pointed out to me that the light blue ice spell had almost faded making me try running to the book to find the spell, but before I could Blake caught my hand and pulled me close to him. 

He pated my head making my tail wag and my ears flatten and if I was part cat I'm sure I would purr. Yet I knew there was something wrong since when I moved to try to face him he held on to me tighter, I could fell tears roll down my back a he squeezed me. I asked him what was wrong as my tail flattened and stopped wagging and laid on top of his, he told me that he feared losing me; he told me that he's been watching me grow these last three days and get stronger and strong so that I could stay with him. I squeezed out of his grip, turned myself around, lowed myself back into his grip, hugged him as best I could, and then gave him a kiss on his lips this time while he was a wake. At first, he looked shocked and then he kissed me back and then I felt something stiff slide up my leg; he blushed and picked me up so that I didn't feel it anymore and while he told me that he was going to win Sage came around us and pulled down the underwear she gave me to wear revealing my semi erected penis making me blush. But before Blake said anything he gave me a hug which shoved my harden dick into his thigh making his even harder and he gave me another kiss before putting me on the ground and turning around so I could see his erection. Moments later his grandma walked in and told us to take a warm bath while we could.

We walked to the bath hole without saying a word about what just happened, but when we got there it seemed our long-awaited battle finally began. George, Diamond, and Albert were already there bathing making it very awkward for me and Blake who still had boners. Sage had lucky let me pull up my underwear before I left but seeing George naked was not high on my bucket list (even though I can't die). He walked over to us and reached out to pick me up again so I hide behind Blake who was two feet taller to protect me. Yet Albert had come up from behind and swooped me up, I knew my tail wound do nothing since I've tried it on George and failed so I just hung there and waited for something to happen. George invited us to the water which to the naked eye seemed normal but to the magical eye you could tell had something up with it, and though I tried to break free I was carried inside by Albert who then threw me in the water. The water wasn't like Sage's pond that melted your clothes but I did feel a tingling feeling sitting in the water. I heard Diamond complaining in the background saying I had pasted and in the confusion, I met a being that asked if I wanted to learn a new spell, I looked to see what Blake thought but I could not see him through some strange fog so I agreed. The being called itself a mermaid and told me that I had the ability to learn a special water spell that no one else knew and I was all for it but soon after I agreed she dragged me under the water to an underwater chamber. I saw Blake jump in the water after me but I was gone by the time he got in; the mermaid put yet another gem on my finger and said that with it I could use the spell to breath under water. As it seeped into my skin a dark blue line formed in my hair and on my neckless meaning I mastered it without knowing it but before I could ask about it the mermaid was gone. I swam to the surface and found Blake panting and George laughing, I asked Blake if he lost and he told me it had only just began. Before I knew it both Blake and George were in their dragon forms flying through the air and out of sight so I crawled out of the water and found Sage who hugged me and stuck out her tong at the mermaid sitting by her. I wanted to ask but before I could I saw a dragon falling through the sky.

It was George who seemed to have something on his head that looked like a giant bubble and soon after Blake flew down gave me a hug and asked if George's games were over. George nodded yes and albert walked over to us sadly with Diamond crying behind him, I looked at Sage confused and she said that Georges plan was to have the mermaids drain Blake of his powers like they did last time they fought since George did the same tick back then, but since the mermaids liked me instead of trying to kill me they gave me a gift. I asked why they liked me and she said it was because I was someone they couldn't trick into having sex with them, I told Sage that her logic didn't make sense and she turned me around and showed me all the skeletons that were around the pool. She told me that if you let a mermaid kiss you then you will surly and if you reject them three times you will be awarded a magical gift that let you live with them forever. I was confused but I didn't care I was free and mastered another spell without trying; but I was scared to see what might happen now since George lost and as king I'm sure he won't take it well.

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