Death of a Friend Birth of an Enemy

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I was still confused by everything that had just happened so I asked Blake what I missed and according to him once Albert threw me in the water the mermaids did their test. They tried to get me to kiss them and I kept crying out for Blake, and when they tried touching my private area I supposedly froze them by using the ice sculpture spell but I knew I didn't waster it since the strand was still thin and faded. Then I asked him what happened between him and George and like Sage told me George tried this trap on Blake before but since ounce someone enters the pool you can't see them Blake thought Albert died and was to distract to fight making him lose, but since he knew that I loved him as much as he loved me he knew I would be fine. So, during the battle he fought with a clear head and won using the water spell his grandma taught him called mermaid's kiss which forms a bubble around the enemy's head almost killing them. I kissed Blake to make sure I wasn't part mermaid now and he laughed saying that wasn't how the mermaids spell worked, I was relieved and when Blake kissed me back I was happy. I asked Blake what we were going to do with Albert and he told me that Albert was free to do as he pleased since he had me. Albert came up us and gave us a hug and then he apologized for his father's actions and then left after telling us we could hang out any time. But as for George he was ferrous that he lost and asked Blake how he cheated; Blake just told him that he had learned his tricks the last time they fought and since he knew my feelings for him he did not worry too much about me being seduced. Enraged George tried to attack, but before he could I used one good trust of magic and turned him half female half male (so he had boobs and a penis).

He was so enraged that he grabbed me and flew into the air after freezing Blake to the ground, he told me to undo the spell or else he would drop me and so I told him to drop me since I refused to listen. He dropped me and using the ice spell I made a slide that put me right back in the water with the mermaids, I said hi to them and apologized for freezing them they told me it was no problem since I was a female at heart they could forgive me. I was confused until two of the mermaids started kissing each other which is when I figured that other mermaids must be the only thing mermaids could kiss. I climbed out of the water as George began to noise dive at me; I undid the spell right before he landed and said that Blake won fair and square so he should be so upset. I could tell George was still mad so I told Blake and Sage that I thought we over stayed our welcome. They agreed and we quickly left, George chased us out of the pool and all the way back into town were at Blake's Grandma lived we grabbed the spell book and disappeared threw out of Sage's portals. We looked to see where we ended up and saw that we went nowhere; I was confused but before I could ask Sage what happened I saw that George had killed her by throwing and ice dagger threw the air.

George had made an enemy out of us just because we beat him, he killed my friend because he lost, and now because of him I could no longer hold my thirst back. My eyes turned black as a starless night, the dark magic surged within me absorbing the light blue ice spell which I had yet to master leaving only the water and love spells left. I siphoned the very book I held and strand after strand of black magic appeared in my hair almost turning it back to its original black color. I lost control of myself after that and absorbed every spell Sage had ever cast in that town while crying for her lost, portal after portal opened in the sky and before I could do anything else reckless Blake pulled me threw out. But before he could I grabbed two things, I grabbed Sage by her leg, and I grabbed the spell book I had dropped when I lost control. When we went through the portal and the portals I had made disappeared, leaving me only with a purple strand of magic and a purple mark on the neckless. I held Sage in my hands crying nonstop since I had lost another friend, I cried until Blake tapped my shoulder trying to calm me down. I jumped into his arms and saw that he was crying to and we cried together next to Sage the girl I had only just met and yet learned to love.

I sat in Blake's arms as I read the book, he asked me what I was looking for and I told him I was looking for the perfect spell to honor Sage. He saw that I was looking through the fire spells and was relieved since my whole left hand was burned siphoning the book, but it wouldn't heal no matter what I did. I tried siphoning again and failed. Then I used the fire spell I looked at and a small flame began to form, I was a siphoner no more I could never siphon magic in the air again to help me and I could never rely on it again to control my thirst. But I didn't feel thirsty felt sad so, to Blake helped me make the flame and we watched Sage burn to let her have eternal rest. The only thing I had left to remember her by was the burn on my hand, the white strand of hair I got from siphoning to many of her spells, and the sex swap spell she loved to use. As I sat on Blake's lap on nuzzled close to him and asked him to tell me the story of how me met Sage. He told me that he was flying one day over the vampire territory and was shot down by them since they thought they could do tests on him, Sage was in the area doing spy work after being kicked out of her coven and used a clocking spell on him once he landed.

To thank her Blake invited Sage back to the dragon clan where she would be allowed to learn magic under Blake's grandma. She agreed since she was curious about what magic she could learn; but around the time she arrived Blake was still head over hills in love with Albert so she told Blake that for allowing her to learn stronger magic she would show him a spell that could help him which in when she turned Blake into a girl. She laughed as Blake was chased threw the town by not albert but George and some of the other male dragons in town. Yet when George caught Blake and was about to mount him Sage turned him back into a man a George and Blake had a moment where nether one knew if George was going to continue. So, they turned back into their human forms to see who each other was and when George saw that Blake was the boy who was in love with Albert he suggested a challenge. That was the challenge that got Blake banished from the clan so for a while Blake hated Sage but after a while he learned they only had each other. Sage would tease Blake to see if he could be straight by flashing him, but in the end, they stayed as friends. I thanked Blake for the story and fell asleep on his lap tiered from the over use of magic, but before I fell asleep I asked Blake if he hated me since it seemed everyone I loved died including Sage. He told me that I cannot be held responsible for ether Sage's or Timothy's death and that he will always love me. I slept soundly knowing that he was telling me the truth and that Sage would probably hate me if I did anything stupid just because she died.

When we awoke we looked around to see where we were and found out that we were on an island that was peaceful and calm. It was a human's island but it seemed to have been abandoned long ago, and Blake asked me a question I thought I'd never hear in my lifetime: "I know that we are both immortal and that we can't be killed, but I have seen to many of my friends die in this crazy word. Would you stay with me here forever?" I began to cry and told him yes as I began to undress and asked him if we could be more than just friends while we spent the rest of eternity together. He undressed as well saying that he thought I'd never ask, and we laid there on that island acting like nothing in the word could go wrong. There we stayed for most of our lives fooling around (having sex), wondering from place to place and acting like it was something new. But we got bored so we wondered through portal after portal watching the word go by; we saw the last vampire take their breath as the area of man began, we say the fairy kingdoms fall to earth at the death of their magic, and we saw werewolves and dragons become stuff of legend as we traveled the world and saw everything.

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