A day Alone

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Without the prince, I decided to wander around the capital without the prince for once and something that once seemed so large when I was with the prince felt so small without him. Because with him I could go more places that only vampires of royalty could go like to the labs that haunted my nightmares, the kitchen with the cook who said if we ever raid the fridge without his permission he would have our head since apparently, he was saving that hog for the werewolf guards and the human the prince had made them one short for supper that night. All these memories of the prince even the bad ones made me almost start to cry so I went to the one place I knew he wouldn't normally go to when I was with the prince and went to visit my uncle and sister who I hadn't seen since I arrived at the capital since with the prince we were always under the surveillance of the maid, yet without him I was all alone.

 I arrived at his house after passing what felt like a thousand brick buildings that looked all the same but I knew which one was his because it was the only house that had windows in it which made it stick out from all the others that didn't. It felt warm when I walked through his doors because for once I could wander the capital during the day. So, I saw no one except the werewolf guards wandering to his place. He and my sister were nowhere to be seen when I arrived and I could hear crying in the other room confusing me even more since I had no clue why that would be. So, I walked into the next room where I found a baby werewolf who had a tail just like I did, it had the light brown hair of my sister and it smelt like her so if I had to guess it was hers but where was she?

I picked up the baby and began to rock it back it fourth to make it stop crying, and once I did I heard movement from what I had to guess was the bed room. There she was passed out asleep, my sister looked as if she couldn't move to save her life so I just simply cleaned up the house a little and put the baby back into its crib once it was asleep again. My sister awoke and found me in the baby's room and she instantly tried attacking me since she hadn't seen me for almost two years and didn't recognize me now that I had a tail and I was a light taller since we last saw each other. She ran to me and gave me a hug saying it was nice to see me but I couldn't stay there since she had work to do and she didn't want her husband to get mad at her for letting someone else touching his baby since he was very hostile other werewolves. Meaning two things, he was probably a guard and he didn't want my sister to be involved with other werewolves in fear of someone taking her away from him.

 I left her house sadly wondering two things, who was her husband and where was my uncle. But since yet again I was by myself and had nothing to do, I decided to leave the capital a bit and see if I could find something to do out there like maybe find the white werewolf and see what he was up to. I left the capital with no idea where I was going and decided to transform and just enjoy myself, because if the vampires are going to treat me like a dog I can at least enjoy the feeling of running free occasionally. I ran from place to place acting like a dog, sniffing trees, digging holes and barring things in them like random sticks I found. And before I knew it someone was throwing me a ball and I was chasing after it without noticing it and when I went to return it I noticed that the white werewolf was standing there laughing.

Though he was in his human form I knew it was him since I recognized his smell and he turned into his wolf form as well and we ran from hill to hill embracing our wild side seeing things I wouldn't normally see with the prince since we normally couldn't leave the capital very far of fear of the guards getting bad or something coming up since he still was a prince with princely duties to do like the random pure breed vampire royalty who asked questions a lot and always wanted something from him. But though I didn't mind it still bothered me how busy he always was. But though me and the white werewolf and I enjoyed playing outside together I still feel like I was missing something. Did I miss the push in pull of the capital, or did I just maybe miss the prince?

Me and the white werewolf enjoyed each other's company for a while and I informed him that the woman that had been doing tests on him in the capital was dead, and he informed me that he has been enjoying his life now that he was free and now that he knew I was safe he would probably be leaving the area and find something else to do with his life. And as the sun went down and the moon came up the vampires started to come out of their homes sending me back to the capital so I didn't get in trouble. And though I had hung out with many people I haven't seen in a while I still felt more alone then I ever felt before, maybe it was because I was apart from the prince.

 I walked around the castle for a while getting a little tied so I went to the prince's room, it looked the same with the bear skin rug on the floor, the steel candelabra hanging from the sealing, the vases that looked like they've been there for years, and then there was the random stuffed werewolf in the corner that always made me feel uncomfortable since it was killed under a drug and stuffed before it could turn back into their human form. The maid came in bringing in a load of the prince's clothes and I rolled around on the bed with them trying to get his smell since I hadn't seen him all day. I fell asleep tangled in his clothes and awoke to him looking at me in confusion so I had to quickly fold his clothes back up and got out of his way.

He smiled at me and laughed saying that it was funny seeing how much I needed him around, and then I had to explain to him that I did miss him but it wasn't what it looked like lying. Because its true I really did need him, I thought of him the whole day that we were apart and it was hard not seeing him around. He asked if I wanted to go to a more privet spot to talk but instead of the bath house that looked bland with only a shower head and a bath the only thing it had going for it was the steam room me and the prince enjoyed hanging out in and its privacy. But I wanted to talk to the prince without being naked for a change because I wanted to be exposed to him in a different way for a change so I brought him outside of the capital where I hung out with the white werewolf the day before.

We sat in a field of flowers that were yellow during the day but looked orange at night and I explained to him that as much as I loved hanging out inside the capital it was tiring always having him get stopped by people all the time. The prince explained to me that if I didn't like being with him that I could just be by myself and be free to do whatever I wanted. But I stopped him before he could say anything else and I explained to him that I did have time alone to do what I wanted and told him the truth that during that time I couldn't stop thinking of him. I just wanted to be a kid with him and not worry about business or someone trying to kill them.

The prince smiled at me, eventhough I could tell he was sad and was hiding something from me. He explainedthat we needed to talk but before we did we should have a day alone were wecould do whatever I wanted outside of the capital inside or inside of thecapital whatever I wanted. But the idea alone that he wanted to talk after aday of doing whatever I wanted scared me since I didn't know why he was gonethe other day. But I agreed to his terms and decided to get a head start on ourday together by transforming into my wolf form and caring him away from thecapital so that he couldn't change his mind.

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