Chapter three

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"What happened?" Said 15 year old Angelica Carulo, a girl of drama, also the group's friend. "Gene's secretly with another guy." Hayley replied. "What? Where's Lucas?" She asked again.
"Can't find him." Clary Said.
"Well, where could he be?" Said Julian Draker, a well-known friend of the group as well, especially to the guys. He was currently eating a sandwich for lunch.
"Dunno. We should split up though, I think we'd find him." Clary said. "Come on girls, let's go." She added, before taking them away. "Oh, so it's the guys and the girls... yeah, Julian, let's go." Chris finally said, and they went on their own way as well.
"So what do you think about Lucas' breakup?" Angelica asked. They were walking along "I don't know Ange, it's kinda sad. I can't believe a girl would do such a thing." Hayley replied.
"Sure there would be, I mean, remember that TV drama I showed you guys?" Angelica said.
"No, I mean, in real life! This is crazy! And they've been going at it for so long..." Hayley said.
"Well, you guys could go for longer." Clary advised, a smirk on her face.
"Clary! Shut up!" Hayley said, her face half laughing.
"Not now, Clary. If she says that now, he might not accept her. And besides, he just had a breakup." Angelica said, matter-of-factly.
"...I guess so. You watch too many drama shows." Clary said.
"Now where could that boy be?" Hayley said.
"There!" Angelica said, pointing to the left. "And... there?" Clary pointed to the right. The corridor snaked both ways, a guy walking along each side. Hayley went to the left, forcing Clary and Angelica to the other side. The guy Hayley was following was walking with his hands in his pockets. His back was to them.
"Lucas!" Hayley shouted. She walked towards him. "Lucas!" She walked faster and shouted louder. She caught up to him and grabbed his arm. "Hey!" She said, her tone as stiff as a brick. "Stop! What's gotten into you?"
Lucas sighed heavily. "I saw the love of my life making out with that football guy Miles, of all people." He finally said. He slumped on the wall slowly as he talked. "Why would I act normal?"
"Well, to be honest, I guess you wouldn't." Hayley admitted. "But, you should know, it happens."
Lucas sighs. "Feels like shit."
"It full of shit. She has no right to just... just..."
"Throw me out like a broken TV? Flush me down the toilet? Those kind of stuff?" He said.
Hayley chuckled quietly. She sits down beside him and puts her arm around him. "She wasn't right for you." She said, suddenly all serious.
"I don't know. Maybe it's the other way around."
"Don't say that! She's the one that didn't tell you anything!" Hayley objected.
"I guess." He said, somewhat doubtful.
There was a calm silence that surrounded them.
"There's someone out there for you." Hayley said, breaking the silence.
"How do you know?" Lucas asked.
"Well, I know someone who thinks you're pretty neat."
"There's only one person who would say 'neat'." Lucas explained. Hayley was mentally slapping herself. Lucas smirked and raised an eyebrow at her. "Uh..." She said, worried.
"Hey you two. Let's go." Clary said, walking to the classroom, followed by Angelica and the guys. Lucas stood up, helped Hayley up and followed Clary. She walked faster , catching up to them, their voices in a rushed speak. "Hey, how you holding up?" Julian asked. "Better. Hayley's a miracle worker." Lucas answered. Chris coughed. "What's the coughing for?" Lucas noticed. "What? I have a sore throat." He exclaimed.
"Sure." They continued walking.
"So, what did you guys talk about back there?" Chris asked.
"If I do, promise you won't tell anyone, Chris."
"What? Why just me?" He objected.
"Oh, because my C.L.A.D.D. Card was lost a day after I showed you my collection."
"I just wanted people to know you had a really cool collection." He replied. "Besides," he added, "the card sucked."
"Whatever." Lucas said. "Just promise."
"Yeah, I do."
Lucas inhaled deeply and exhaled sharply. "I think... I think she likes me."

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