Chapter 4

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Finally landing in the death egg. Once the ship was still knuckles stood up.

''Ok, everyone here's the plan, (Y/n) and rookie will go look for sonic. Both of them will get a tracker so we can see where they're going. Were only sending two people out for now,we don't want too many out there then someone gets lost. If they need us they will alert us on our communicators if they need back up. while they're on their mission, we'll gear up. Eggman won't  let us leave with sonic that easily. Ready team? Go!''

You tightly grip your (y/w) and ran out of the back of the ship. You look to your left, to the rookie.

''Ok rookie, you go right, i'll go left. He nodded in agreement. Then  your communicators went on. ''Can you both hear me?''

'' Ya, we can hear you silver.''

''Good, Alright rookie when you make it down the end of this hallway make a left and (y/n) make a right and hurry it's only a matter of time before Eggman notices were here, good luck.''

''Thanks silver.'' 

'' hey rookie, your gonna do great.'' he smiles. As you both part ways. Once you made it to the end of the hallway you made a right and then another right,then a left,then another left. After running a while through the many hallways you slowed down and got a better look around.

''This place is a maze.'' You took about three more steps when you could hear this noise. You quickly turned around  with caution . You could see  a red cube then you could see a black gloved hand.

Then Infinite levitated out of the shadows. Your eyes widened. You face your (y/w) at him. He then disappeared and reappeared in front of you and pinned you up against the tall steel wall causing your heart to skip a beat. Slowly grazing your soft cheek with his jagged nails, slowly leaning closer to your face causing you to blush. He moves closer to your ear and whispers.

''You shouldn't have come here, my dear.'' He said with his deep dark voice. Moving  his face away yours and stared deep in your beautiful (e/c) eyes, that he adored so much.

''Hey (y/n), you ok?'' Infinite looks at your ear then back at your eyes. He raises his hand and puts one of his fingers over his mask.


''Hey, you stopped moving, you ok, do you need back up?'' You hesitated not knowing what to do at first. you clear your throat . 

''No, I just bumped into,..... some of Eggman's robots, i got it.''

''Ok, if you say so, well hurry the rookie found sonic.''

''Ok be right there.'' Once the communicator went off silence filled the hallways.

'' You should leave.'' He sounded annoyed by hearing sonic's name. 

'' Now.'' You didn't hesitate to escape his grasp  running away from him as fast as you could. Once you got far enough away from him you looked back and you could see him holding your favorite flower,. . . . . . . . 

Once you found the ship you could see sonic  and the new recruit. 

'' Sonic !, your ok." You wrap your arms around his neck, he hugs you back.

''Of course i am.'' 

''Come on lets go going.'' you said while looking around suspiciously. Quickly taking off and hoping in the ship. Sonic looks at the rookie and he shrugged his shoulders.

'' You and me both buddy, come on.''

Infinite Love ( Sonic Forces) Infinite x human reader (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now