Chapter 30

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There was this old house. It as empty for many years.Everything as quiet, but not for long. The weak wooden front door was slammed open. Infinite walks through the door way and walks into the old dusty abandoned house.

"Everyone get up!"

The rest of the jackal squad were sleeping. None of them budged.

" Sigh...I'm not going to say it again..."

He pulls out his sword and stabs it into the floor.

" GET UP!!" He barked 

The female jackal quickly sat up, jumping out of her sleep. One of the other jackals fell off of his bed from being startled. 

" ....Ow..."

The rest of them got up soon after.

" Ey, boss what was that for?!" 

" Shut up and get ready. We have a mission." He pulls his sword out of the floor and sets it on his shoulder. 

" This mission has to be done before dawn."

He walks over to this old table in the  abandoned house. He sets down some stuff on it. A picture of the mobian they have to kill, and some cooked meat.

" Come, Eat up."

" What about you boss?"

" It's fine, I already ate." He lied. He cared for them like they were his own children sorta. Once they finished eating, they got ready for their mission. They went up the stairs and climbed through this hole in the roof. Now standing on  the roof looking for what direction they are going to go in.

" This way."

They quickly follow him.

"So boss, why does this guy want us to kill this other guy?"

"Well they  have bad blood and he's tired of his bulls**t."

" Ok so what's the plan?" Another jackal asked.

" He's having an event tonight, That's where we'll kill him. You know the rest."

" Yes sir!" Jumping from one building to another. The sun started to set as they arrived at the event. They watched from a far, waiting  for their target. 

" When do we attack?"

" Sun down, when it gets dark we'll blend in with the night so we won't be seen."

" Whoa, you didn't tell us our target was rich." Infinite looks to his left at him.

" He's rich." 

The other jackal gives this " really" look. the female jackal laughed a little. Infinite stands up.

" I'll Kill our target, The rest of you will cover me. Who ever gets in your way...kill  them."

"Yes sir!"

The sun set and it was time. Their target was out in the open, but Infinite waited for his target to be in a more secluded place. The victim goes in his room to change into another outfit for the end of the night. He took this opportunity to get rid of him.

Before he got into the room Infinite sneaks in his room and hides on top of his wardrobe staying as still as possible. 

 The mobian opens the door, turns on the light and walks towards a mirror which is on the other side of the room. He can see his wardrobe behind him, but Infinite was no long on the wardrobe he was now behind him. 

He freaks out but before he could turn around, Infinite grabs his head and smashes his face into the mirror. Immediately breaking the mirror. Small pieces fell to the floor and blood was visible. Infinite lets him go and he falls to the floor. He watches as he suffers in pain on the floor.


A few seconds after Infinite harmed the target the guards heard something  and the went to go see what was all the noise. 

Before they could get close to the doors. Two jackals attack them from above. The female jackal stabs her nails through the guards neck , killing him instantly. The other jackal snapped the other guard's neck, quickly finishing the job. The other jackals jump down with the others.

" No fair, you guys get all the fun!" 

"This is a small mission. There won't be enough people to kill."

One of them look at the door that led to the room that Infinite was getting busy.

"Sounds like the boss is having fun."

" Mhmm."

Infinite puts his hand on his neck and pulls him off the floor.

"W-hat do you want?!"

" I'm a mercenary, There's only one thing i want."

" Please don't hurt me, i'll pay you more then what they did!"

"I need money, but i don't want it..."

He releases his grip around his neck and drops him.

" What i want..."

He pulls out his sword.

" Is blood shed." He swings his sword through the air and slices his neck open. Blood quickly covered the floor and some blood got on his face. He licks the blood that landed near his mouth. That's when the doors flew open.

"Boss, they're coming!" They were able to kill a little more but now they were getting out  numbered. Infinite uses a chair and throws it at the window breaking the glass.

"Go Now!"  He let them get out first. He looks back and sees at least 7 dead and 24 more guards.

" Boss!" 

"If i don't kill them, they'll follow us all night!" He faces his sword at them and charges....

                                                          "  My name...

                                                          "  My name

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                                                                 ...Is Zero..."

Infinite Love ( Sonic Forces) Infinite x human reader (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now