Chapter 32

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After a while, watching the clouds pass towards the east towards the sunset. Infinite sits up next to you and stares at the grass in front of him. You sit up with him. He looks to his right and sees his mask still laying in the grass. 

You look at him worried. You set your hand on his. He moves his eyes away from the mask and looks at you. He lifts his right hand close to your face and set one of his fingers under you chin. He leans in and pulls you into a kiss. The kiss was soft, sweet, gentle but it didn't last too long. He pulls away and wraps his arms around you pulling you into a hug. This was quite unexpected. 

You stood still until you slowly returned the favor and hugged him back. 

" Thank you...for...excepting me...well my old me ////////." 

You both started to blush at the same time. You tighten your grip around him.

" Why wouldn't I? " 

A small smile curled onto his face. 

" Come on, let's head back with your friends." 

" Ok." You both stand up. He walk over to his mask and puts it back on and you got dressed.

" You ready?" 

"Ya, when we get back i gotta take a shower." He walks over to you and sweeps you off your feet.

" Whoa, Infinite what are you doing?!"

" What does it look like i'm doing?, I'm carrying you back." 

"B-but you don't have to ."

" I know."

He starts making his way back to the hideout with you in his arms. You lay your haead on his shoulder.

" I love you (y/n)." You look up at him.

" I love you too."

The rookie stood near the edge just out front of  the hideout. He looks around at the scenery over and over again.

" Hey buddy."

He jumps and turns around and sees sonic walking over to him. 

"Oh,hey sonic ."

" Hehe, sorry i didn't mean to startle you ."

" Oh no it's fine, i'm ok." Sonic stands next to him. 

" When will she be back?"

" Why, are you worried about her? She'll be fine remember?"

" I know, It's just... it's nothing for get i said anything."

" Uh ok, if you say so." Sonic looks back and the rookie and smiles. He looks at the rookie's hand that was set in the rail in front of him. He stared at it for a while. He looks back at the rookie and just admires and and stared at his profile.

Sonic lifts his hand and set it on top of the rookie's hand. The rookie immediately squealed from this. 

" Come on buddy, let's head back inside."

" Uh ok." He follows sonic back to the hideout, but then sonic stopped in his tracks and he turns around.

" Hey before we go back inside, i wanna show you something."

" Uh ok ////////." 

Sonic looks to his rand grabbed his hand.

" This way!"

" Ok!"

Sonic stops near this loop.

" Hey i've been on one of these before !"

" Ya , It's fun right?"

" Ya." They just stood there and stared at it for a while.

" Hey, could you find a way to get us up there?"

"Huh, um i mean we could use my grapple hook."

" Good idea rookie, come on."

They grab each others hand  and the rookie  raised his other hand, shooting the grapple hook on top of the loop and tugged on ti to see if it was safe. The grapple hook quickly pulled them up to the top. They both climb onto it and walked to the middle of the loop.

" look." The rookie looks at the direction sonic was pointing to. He could see the sunset even better now. He could see the colors mix in the sky.

"Gasp woooow!"

" Beautiful huh?" Sonic walks towards the edge and sat down. 

" Come sit with me."

" Oh ok." He walks over to him and sits down next to him but not too close. 

You and Infinite finally arrive back at the hideout. He sets you down on your feet and you start to walk towards the entrance, but he didn't follow you.

" I need to go somewhere."

You turn around and notice he hadn't moved.

" What?"

" Sigh, I have to go."

" Oh... well i'll go with you." You start walking back over to him. Infinite raises his hand signaling you to stop.

" No... I need to do this on my own." You stood quiet.

" I will return, I will come back to you."

You smile at him.

"And  I'll be waiting for you."

He nods and takes his leave. You turned around and headed back inside.

" Be back soon...Zero."

 They were both enjoying the view, the silence and the time alone together.

" Hey, we wouldn't be here right now if it wasn't for you."  He looks at sonic and began to blush. 

" W- well i couldn't have done it without all of you, thank you."

" Hehe, your welcome buddy."  They both smiled at each other. The rookie  slowly leans closer to sonic. Sonic didn't mind what he was doing. He closes his eyes as the rookie leans closer. They grew closer and closer...

" Hey sonic, rookie (y/n) is back!"

They both pull away and the rookie responds.

" Uh we're on our way." The communicator went off and they both burst out in laughter.

" This is soo awkward." 

" Haha tell me about it." Sonic stands up and he helps him on his feet.

" Come on, let's go."

" Ok."

Infinite Love ( Sonic Forces) Infinite x human reader (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now