Chapter 2

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Authors Note: Thank you to those of you who have read and responded to this story so far! Hope you enjoy this chapter as well! 

"You didn't!" Kurt exclaimed in disbelief as he brought his hand up to cover his mouth to hide the smirk that had begun to form over his lips.

"I did," Blaine nodded before shaking his head then tilting it down as if in shame. "It was Warbler tradition that all new members took part of...or at least that's what they had told me. How was I supposed to know that they were messing with us?" he asked, chuckling and lifting his head to look at the smirking boy sitting next to him.

"The dean was probably thrilled," Kurt said, letting a laugh escape his lips. He shifted so that he could face Blaine on the small love seat they were sharing.

"He was pissed as hell!" Blaine laughed once more. "I mean, I would be too if I came to school one morning and found my entire office covered in shaving cream," he added, biting his lip. "They didn't know it was us, but we literally ruined everything in that office."

"How in god's name did you pull that off?" Kurt asked, jaw still hanging open in shock.

"My friend, Wes, got a hold of the janitor's keys, and so we just kind of let ourselves in late one evening." He shrugged as if it was completely normal to steal keys from various staff members.

"And of course, you still became the golden boy of Dalton." Kurt playfully rolled his eyes with a grin. "We knew about you over at McKinley. Blaine Anderson, the boy who has a voice as sweet as honey and who looks like a sex god." He laughed when a slight blush came across Blaine's cheeks as the boy lowered his head in embarrassment. "Hey, it's not a bad thing. You're hot, Blaine. Embrace it," he said, eyes widening at the words that had slipped out of his mouth. "I-I'm sorry," he began to apologize, but stopped when Blaine shook his head, setting his hand on the other boy's thigh.

"Don't apologize," Blaine responded softly, giving Kurt a reassuring smile. "You look pretty good too, Mr. Hummel, if I do say so myself," he tried to lighten the mood, watching as some of the fear that had built up in Kurt's ocean blue eyes began to fade out and a small smile played across his lips.

"Thanks," Kurt whispered, looking down at the drink he was holding then back at Blaine. "So, um..." he trailed off, absentmindedly chewing on his bottom lip and searching for a new topic.

"Why'd you come to New York?" Blaine asked, sensing Kurt's struggle. "I mean, I know it's beautiful, and you've clearly done well here, Mr. Vogue," He joked, grinning when Kurt shook his head with a small smile. "But why New York? Why not some other place?"

"Well, originally I came here for the same reasons as Rachel," he motioned towards where the girl was now dancing outside near the open doors. "I wanted to be on Broadway, and I hadn't considered pursuing anything else until Rachel had mentioned that Vogue had an open internship. At the time, I was looking for an internship within the fashion industry as something to do when I wasn't in school, so I quickly applied and was accepted not long after." He shrugged and looked away from Rachel back to the warm hazel eyes that were focused on him. "Isabelle was amazing, and after a while she started to give me more and more responsibility because she knew that I could handle it. Eventually, I was promoted at Vogue, and NYADA just didn't seem to fit into the picture anymore," he stated, as if it was just as simple as that.

"Was it hard?" Blaine asked, tilting his head in interest.

"At first it was. I love performing, and there still days when I long for the times I spent singing, but Vogue has offered me so much," he explained.

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