Chapter 21

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Here you go lovelies! See the end of the chapter for notes!


It wasn't that Kurt needed Blaine next to him in order to face the world, because he didn't. If there was one thing that Kurt Hummel was not, it was a damsel in distress who needed his boyfriend to pick him up every time he faltered. No, he didn't need Blaine. And that, that, brought some sort of beauty along with it. The idea that he didn't need Blaine in order to live or breathe, but instead that he wanted Blaine. He wanted Blaine, because Blaine's smile could turn the worst of his days into the best. Because Blaine's laugh was a melody that wrapped around Kurt, spreading its warmth through him. Because Blaine's kindness was something that Kurt wouldn't ever be able to find in another human being. Because Blaine's eyes, and the way that he looked at Kurt like he was his absolute everything was something that Kurt would never tire of. Because Blaine had become Kurt's entire world, and just because he could live without him – although it would be a struggle to let go if it did, in fact, come to that – Kurt never wanted to have to live without him.

Reaching out his hand toward Blaine's face, Kurt traced a finger down from Blaine's forehead to his lips, before running his thumb along his cheek bone. Who would want to let go of something like this, anyways?

"Has anybody ever told you that you're beautiful?" Blaine's voice rang out, soft and filled with sleep.

Kurt shook his head, a small smile making its way across his lips. "Your eyes are closed."

"Don't gotta have my eyes open to know that you're beautiful, Kurt. You just are," Blaine explained as he finally let his eyes flutter open, grinning as he did, causing small crinkles to appear next to his eyes.

"I'm dating a sap," Kurt huffed as he flopped back on to the bed, Blaine's laughter cutting into the silence of the room. And there it went again, wrapping itself around Kurt in a blanket of warmth and happiness.

"Maybe so," Blaine agreed flipping himself on to his stomach, folding his arms across Kurt's chest and resting his chin on top. "But don't act like you don't appreciate my charming ways, Hummel. You love the compliments." Kurt huffed once again, trying his best to suppress the smile that was threatening to make an appearance. "How are you feeling?" Blaine asked quietly as he began to trace patterns across Kurt's chest, eyes staring at Kurt in concern.

"I'm fine." Kurt said, eyes falling closed as his lips quirked into a smile.

"Wow, okay. Fine... I made Kurt Hummel feel fine." Blaine sat up. "Good job Anderson, he's fine," he continued mumbling as he straightened up, blanket dropping low on his waist.

"Oh, be quiet," Kurt chuckled. "Fine, I'm better than fine. Amazing, incredible, phenomenal, sensational, magnificent, I'm mind-blowingly stupendous, mag – umph." Blaine's lips met Kurt's softly, sufficiently cutting Kurt off. "I'm're amazing," Kurt whispered when Blaine had pulled back.

"Good," Blaine nodded approvingly before beginning to crawl out of the bed.

Kurt pouted slightly, groaning in protest as he reached out to try and grab hold of Blaine's arm to pull him back. "No, where are you going?"

"Come on you dork, I want food," Blaine said fondly, walking over to his dresser and grabbing out two pairs of sweat pants, pulling on one before throwing the other at Kurt with a smirk. "I'll make you waffles."

"Oh my god, I love waffles," Kurt said as he quickly slid into Blaine's sweats, jumping off of the bed and making his way out of the room towards the kitchen, leaving an amused Blaine to follow behind him.

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