Chapter 13

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Author's note: Here's the next chapter as promised! We're catching up to where the story is on the other websites. Chapter 14 is the last chapter that has been posted anywhere else, and so once we hit chapter 14, the updates will begin to come weekly! For now though, here's chapter 13! 

P.S. this is another chapter that you have honestly been waiting for, and it's one of my personal favourites! 

Blaine took a deep stuttered breath as his eyes found the familiar front door of his parent's classic Victorian style house from where he sat in the passenger seat of Burt's old beat up truck. To say that he was nervous was an understatement. He was petrified, fear flowing through every single inch of his body. Scenarios played throughout his mind as to how the events of the evening could possibly go, and none of them had a happy ending.

His eyes fluttered closed when the feeling of a hand falling on top of his own snapped through his thoughts, bringing him back to the present. He took another deep breath before opening his eyes once again, turning his head to lock gazes with the familiar blue eyes staring back at him.

"Are you okay?" Kurt asked, voice a soft whisper as if afraid to spook the boy.

Meeting Burt and Carole had been a breeze for Blaine. They both had been welcoming as soon as he had stepped through the door. Burt had interrogated him slightly over dinner, claiming that he hadn't been able to talk to Blaine long enough to really get a feel for the boy. Thankfully, after dinner had finished, he had claimed that he did really like Blaine, and the two had proceeded to watch football together. Even Finn, Kurt's step brother, had been great. Blaine already felt comfortable with the entire Hummel-Hudson family, and it saddened him to know that Kurt would most likely have a different experience all together with his. He knew that his mom would be welcoming, whereas his father would be anything but.

Blaine's lips twitched up in to a sad smile. "No," he answered honestly. Kurt sighed, head tilting to the side, his eyes shining with sympathy and worry as he looked his boyfriend over.

"We don't have to go on," he suggested.

Blaine shook his head. "No, we do. I'll never hear the end of it if I don't show up, but if you've changed your mind –"

"No, I'm coming," Kurt said firmly, squeezing Blaine's hand in reassurance.

"Let's get this over with then." Blaine reached to open the door but stopped when Kurt's grip on his hand tightened.

Kurt smiled softly as Blaine turned back around to look at him. "I'm not going anywhere, okay?" he said softly. "No matter what he says, no matter what happens tonight, I'm not going to run away, I promise."

Blaine hadn't known that he needed to hear the words out loud until they had been said. He leaned forward, pressing his lips against Kurt's in a soft kiss before pulling away and shooting the boy a grateful look.

"Thank you," he said simply before letting go of Kurt's hand to get out of the car. He made his way up to the front door, his body shaking slightly out of fear as he reached out to open the door, stopping at the last second and turning to look at Kurt.

"It's going to be okay," Kurt assured, slipping his hand in to Blaine's and tangling their fingers together.

Blaine nodded before sucking in another deep breath, pushing the door open before tightening his grip on Kurt's hand and walking in to the house.

Everything hit him at once, from the familiar smell of his mom's famous apple pie floating throughout the room, to the soft glow of the lights illuminating the front entrance, to the unfortunately familiar sound of his parents shouting back and forth at each other. Blaine winced, looking towards Kurt to apologize for his parents' unacceptable behavior.

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