Chapter 17

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Here we are my amazing readers! Chapter 17 at last! I have officially decided an end chapter for this story, and so after this chapter we have a total of seven chapters left.

I hope you all enjoy this chapter, it's a little shorter than others, but I think that it does it's job effectively!

Sit back, relax and enjoy everyone!


There are 60 seconds in a minute, 3,600 seconds in an hour, 86,400 seconds in a day, and 604,800 seconds in a week. Seconds that build in to minutes, which build into hours, which build into days, and moments that shift the way one lives their life. Moments that build the way in which we experience life, or look at the world around us.

It had been three weeks since Blaine had gone to see Kurt. Three weeks that he had spent thinking, debating, figuring out how to push past everything. It had been three weeks since he had spoken to Kurt, and five weeks since their breakup, or whatever it could be called. Five weeks – 3,024,000 seconds of continuous thoughts and aching to go back to the way that things had been. 3,024,000 seconds without Kurt.

Blaine had been sure, upon making the decision, that a break was best for them. That a break would give him the time he needed to get past the stupid jealousy over the things that had happened in Kurt's life before they had even met. The seconds, minutes, and weeks passed by, each mocking him, laughing about how utterly foolish he had been to even consider taking a break in the first place.

He couldn't completely wrap his head around why he had suggested it so instantaneously at that time He should have gone home, thought over the events of the evening and sorted out exactly what he was uneasy about before going to Kurt and having a mature conversation about it. A break? How childish had that idea been?

"Dude, you've had the same look on your face for three weeks now," Sam stated as he plopped onto the couch next to Blaine, who had been staring blankly at the wall.

"Hm?" he asked as he shook his head slightly in attempt to bring his attention back to the present.

Sam simply shook his head and reached out to grab the tv remote and flick through the different channels. Both men sat in silence for a few moments, Blaine lost back in his state of deep thought, and Sam trying to figure out exactly how to approach the conversation that he knew needed to happen. "Have you made a decision yet?" he asked curiously as he glanced at Blaine.

"I made a decision three weeks ago." Blaine shrugged as he slumped further into the couch.

"Right, and that's why you've continued to avoid him at every cost," Sam snorted in disbelief.

Blaine shot him a glare before watching as Sam continued to channel surf absentmindedly. "I just – "

"Needed time. Yeah, we all know." Sam rolled his eyes. "Dude, either you want to work things out or you don't, but this is getting a little ridiculous."

"Tell me how you really feel, why don't you?"

"I'm serious Blaine. It's one thing to take time to think, but it's another to take time, give the guy hope that you'll be back soon, and then continue to take all of eternity to go talk to him again. You're lucky Rachel convinced him to head back to work before he got fired because if he hadn't, he'd be sitting at home ready to pull his hair out, because his ass of a – whatever the hell you are – couldn't make up his damn mind," Sam said firmly, shutting off the TV and turning to face his best friend. "Look, I love you, man. You're like a brother to me, but Kurt's my friend too. And for the sake of both of your sanity, make a decision."

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