Chapter 22

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Alright lovelies, for the last time, here we go...


Kurt's eyes scanned over the dome of boxes that surrounded him before he closed them and took a deep breath, falling to the ground in the center of the room. He was ready for this. He was so ready for this. Of course, there had been a few moments with Rachel while packing his boxes where the girl would turn to look at him, eyes glistening with tears, and he would feel the sadness seep through him, but that didn't change the fact that he was ready to take this step.

Sure, most sensible people would most likely tell him that he was moving too fast, that he and Blaine had just gotten back together, and that it would be smart to take a step back and take some more time before he decided to take this big of a jump. He would happily tell those people to fuck off. Maybe he was crazy, but he couldn't convince himself to care even if he wanted to. This was it. Blaine was it for him. Sue him if that sounded completely insane.

His eyes snapped towards the door when a soft knock echoed through the room, a small smile spreading across his lips when Rachel poked her head in. "Hey," she said quietly before moving towards him, sitting on the ground next to him. "Everything's packed?"

Kurt nodded, narrowing his eyes at the girl who was looking around sadly at the boxes. "I swear to god, if you start crying again Rachel Berry, I might actually murder you," he said over the lump that was beginning to form in his throat.

Rachel gave him a watery laugh, shaking her head as she blinked back the tears that seemed to have found a permanent home in her eyes that day. "No crying, I'm sorry," she agreed, looking back at him and shrugging. "It's hard."

"I know." Kurt wrapped an arm around his best friend as she leaned in to rest her head on his shoulder. "Hey," he said softly as he rubbed her arm. "I couldn't disappear out of your life, you know that right?" he asked feeling her nod against him. "No, Rachel, seriously, look at me," he instructed, waiting until she lifted her head off of his shoulder to look at him. "I might not be in the same building anymore, but you're my best friend, I could never leave you. You're stuck with me, Berry." He gave her a twitch of a smile. "And don't think that I won't show up spontaneously for a movie night."

"I'm counting on it." Rachel smiled as she stood up. "Let's go do something before the others get here," she suggested, holding out her hand for the boy to take.

"What do you have in mind, Miss Berry?" he asked with a raised brow as he let her pull him up.

"I don't know. Anything. I just want to spend our last few hours as roommates doing something together that doesn't involve boxes and packing," she said, once again looking around at the boxes stacked in the room.

Kurt tilted his head as he looked at her meaningfully. "I'm not going far," he repeated. "How about Grease?" he suggested, laughing when Rachel nodded and grabbed his hand to pull him out in to the living room.


Kurt turned his attention away from the TV and towards the front door as it opened to reveal Blaine shuffling in, a few boxes stacked in his arms.

"Where the hell are we supposed to put all of this if we can't put it in my room? And seriously, how long can a person take to pack, anyways? I mean, I know that it's Kurt and he's got way too many clothing items, but damn," Sam complained as he followed Blaine into the apartment, setting the boxes he carried in the middle of the entrance. In the decision to move together, Blaine and Kurt had, had multiple discussions about how to tell their roommates, and had come to the final decision that Sam – if he wanted to – could move in to Kurt's old room. Both Sam and Rachel had loved the idea.

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