Chapter 15

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Author's Note: Alright everybody, here is the long awaited next chapter! It took a ridiculous amount of erasing and rewriting, and I nearly pulled out my hair a few times, but none-the-less, it's finished and I am finally happy with the results! 

Be pre-warned... this chapter takes a flip from what the last ones have been like, but know that I wouldn't ever leave my boys off on a bad note, so that being said, remember that things will get better. And while you have that in mind... don't hate me! Here's chapter 15, and I hope you guy's enjoy it!

"Please," Blaine whined with a pout as he looked up at the boy with his best puppy dog eyes. "You've been so busy lately and you have tomorrow off, let's go have some fun," he added, hoping that his boyfriend would take the bait.

"No, no, put the eyes away," Kurt scolded as he averted his gaze from Blaine's. Blaine knew how quickly Kurt would cave if faced with Blaine's gorgeous hazel eyes, wide and pleading. "I hate clubs, Blaine. I hate them." His love for clubs had abruptly disappeared around the time that the man sitting in front of him had entered his life.

"But, you love me, and I want to go out and have fun dancing with my friends and my boyfriend," Blaine tried, reaching out with both hands, setting them firmly on either side of Kurt's face, forcing the boy to look at him. "Rachel, Mercedes, and Tina all have been begging you to go out for weeks, and you've been too busy to do anything. You owe it to them to go out at least this once."

Kurt rolled his eyes and let out an exaggerated sigh. "I hate you. All of you," he mumbled before grudgingly standing up from his spot on the couch and making his way to Blaine's bedroom, leaving the other boy to do a small victory dance in his wake.

"Stop dancing, fool. You didn't win," Kurt called over his shoulder, eliciting a chuckle from Blaine as he followed Kurt down the hallway.

"I totally did," Blaine beamed as he flopped on to the bed, watching as Kurt began to muddle through his closet. "You do understand that my clothes don't fit you, right?" he asked, confused.

Kurt shook his head and quirked a brow, "I know, that's why I'm not looking at your clothes," he said simply as he held up a charcoal Henley that was clearly not Blaine's.

"I – you have clothes here?" Blaine asked, happily surprised, the idea of Kurt's stuff mixed in with his causing warmth to flood through his body.

"How else do you think I can come here wearing one thing and walk out wearing another?" Kurt laughed, his laugh fading out when Blaine continued to sit, staring wide eyed back at him. "Shit, that's okay, right? I didn't mean to overstep or anything, I just thought it would be easier to leave some things here instead of constantly packing them back and forth between our places," Kurt rambled as panic rose within him.

Blaine blinked a few times before rising from the bed and walking towards his flustered boyfriend, slowly smiling as he approached him. "Hey," he whispered and set his hands on Kurt's hips, causing Kurt's eyes to settle on his own hazel ones. He leaned in, brushing his lips softly against Kurt's, grinning into the kiss when he began to feel the tension seep out of Kurt's body. He pressed another chaste kiss to Kurt's lips before pulling back, grin still set firmly in place.

When Blaine opened his mouth to speak, Kurt pressed a finger lightly to Blaine's lips. "I know, me too," he whispered. He didn't need Blaine to say the words out loud to know. He could see the love every time he looked in to Blaine's gorgeous golden eyes. He could see it in the beautiful smiles that he was met with upon arriving home from work. But most of all he could see it in the still, quiet moments, in which they sat cuddled on the couch or bed, listening to the steady beating of their hearts as peacefulness washed over them

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