Chapter 12

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Author's Note: To be a nice human being, and to make up for leaving you with a cliffhanger, here is chapter 12. Chapter 13 will go up tomorrow as well, to make up for the ending in this chapter. This is a heavy chapter, but one of my personal favourites. Actually the next three are my favourites all together. Enjoy!


WARNING: Mentions of physical and verbal abuse.

The mentions of abusive behavior are found in the last scene of the chapter, if this is sensitive content for you, then feel free to skip over the ending.

DISCLAIMER: Since I haven't yet officially said it, I own nothing glee related! I have instead borrowed some people from the wonderful show, but full credit goes to Ryan Murphy and his amazing creative team!


Kurt's eyes fluttered open against the harsh light that streamed through the living room window. Squinting, he slowly moved himself into a sitting position, wincing at the soreness in his neck and back as he did. He knew what had happened, mainly because he had gotten used to waking up after passing out the few times it had happened previously. Passing out due to lack of oxygen wasn't something that one should be used to, but yet Kurt was. Taking a few deep breaths, Kurt let his eyes close once again as he fought to remember the exact events that led up to passing out in the middle of the living room. It came back in large chunks that caused his breath to quicken slightly. Sebastian...yelling at each other...the concerned look that Hannah had upon Sebastian's departure...the need to get home before his attack escalated any further... Blaine.

The front door flew open, slamming loudly against the wall next to it, inevitably making a dent. Worry filled hazel eyes swept the room, a tiny amount of relief showing through when they found Kurt. Within a few steps he was there, next to Kurt, eyes searching for an explanation as to what had happened.

"Kurt," Blaine murmured as he reached a hand out to run his fingers down the boy's cheek, almost as if to make sure that he was tangible and really sitting next to him.

Kurt choked out a sob, tears that he had been unaware were forming in his eyes falling onto Blaine's hand. "Where were you?"

Blaine swiped at the tears, frowning a little. "One of the girls at work had an appointment today and I was asked to stay an extra hour," Blaine told him, confused. "I texted you to let you know that I wouldn't be stopping by for lunch." Kurt looked away from him and towards the floor. "I called Hannah when you didn't pick up my calls and she told me that I needed to head here as soon as I could, what's going on?" he asked as he moved to sit next to Kurt, hand dropping into his own lap as he waited for an answer.

Kurt sat silent for what seemed like hours as he debated his response, unsure of how to properly formulate the words that were running through his mind, which was still a jumbled mess from the panic attack. "I –he..." Kurt stumbled, wiping away a few more tears that had trailed down his cheek. "Sebastian came in to the office today," he said finally, inhaling sharply as he willed himself to calm down. "He um...he tried to talk to me again, but I asked him to leave and when he refused I started yelling, and it just kind of sucked. I tried not to get worked up, I really did," he murmured, frustrated at himself for losing it over such a silly thing. "It's stupid, I know. He says two fucking words and I lose all of my shit, he just – he brings out this anger that I didn't even know that I had and I break,"

Blaine slowly placed his hand underneath Kurt's chin, running his thumb along the boy's bottom lip. "Hey," he whispered, eyes finding their way up to the blue ones that watched him expectantly, as if one look from Blaine's Hazel eyes could quell the stream of self-deprecating thoughts flying through his mind. "You're anything but stupid."

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