Chapter 16

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Hello, my lovely people! First of all, I would like to apologize for the lengthy amount of time in between updates. Christmas was pretty insane around here, and I had a hard time writing this chapter! I wanted it to be one that was carefully thought out, and not rushed. I wanted it to properly convey the boys' feelings, and I didn't want anything to seem odd or out of character. So, it was a tough chapter to write!

But alas! It's here! I hope you all enjoy it, and I want to thank you all for your continued support with this story! It means the absolute world to me!


Scientific fact: The human heart beats between 60-100 times per minute. It beats 1-3 times per second, sending blood pumping through one's veins; bringing them life. Until it doesn't. The human heart beats roughly 60-100 times per minute until it stops. Until it stutters to a halt and leaves one lifeless. Kurt would know. The moment his eyes had finished reading over the words that sprawled across his phone screen, he could have sworn that his heart stopped beating; his blood had stopped flowing, and his body had become limp and lifeless.

After reading Blaine's message he had gone in to utter shock, leading to a panic attack that had taken longer than usual to subside. It had taken him a good portion of the past hour to get his breathing back to normal, and as soon as he had, he had picked up his phone and tried to type out a response.

I don't understand...

Nope. Try again.

Can't we try and work through this together?


Please don't leave. I need you.

Needy much?

I love you... stay

Kurt sighed in frustration as he once again erased the words from his phone, angrily chucking the piece of metal across the room as he tried to blink back the hot tears that spilled down his face.

How does one respond to that kind of message? How does one portray the million emotions that course through their body upon reading those words? They don't, and that would be why his phone was now on the ground, screen probably shattered. Because he was unable to put into words the jumble of emotions that he had gone through in the few hours that had passed since receiving Blaine's message.

Kurt flopped back onto the bed with a frustrated groan as he dug the heels of his hands into his eyes, trying his best to stop the flow of hot liquid that poured out of them. The feeling of hopelessness had begun to settle in his chest. The feeling that there was no way to come back from this.


Two weeks later...

Kurt hadn't slept that night. Hell, he hadn't slept properly in the past two weeks. Thoughts continually raced throughout his mind, often sending him into a spiral of panic that prevented him from getting more than a few hours of sleep at a time.

He was being stupid, or at least that's what he continued to tell himself. He should be tougher than this. But, instead he lies, a puddle of emotions, on top of his comforter.

He had never experienced the type of pain that currently radiated through his body. It was numbing, but achy at the same time. It was ever present, all consuming, throbbing through his every nerve. The pain was similar to the feelings brought on when other people had left his life just as abruptly, but there was something different about this time. Kurt was more than aware as to what the difference was. The pain running through his blood was different entirely, because this time it wasn't just some guy walking away from him yet again. This time it was a man that Kurt had come to be completely in love with, despite the short time he had known him.

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