Chapter 6

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Author's note: All I have to say is sorry... not sorry. You all are great! Thanks for the comments! 

The rays of sunlight filtered into the room, casting a soft glow against the beautiful olive skin that disappeared into a black shirt. It was an odd moment for Kurt. The last intimate moment that he had encountered had been nearly a year and a half before, and it surely hadn't felt as vulnerable as this one, yet he still felt calm in this moment. Safe, even. There was something about Blaine that made him feel secure. He was magnetic, constantly pulling Kurt in, even when he tried to pull away. If this was anybody else, Kurt would have up and ran hours ago, but he couldn't this time. Instead, he sat, musing over the man that lay next to him. Blaine was gorgeous with his disheveled hair, his lips slightly parted, his eyelashes occasionally fluttering against his cheeks as his chest slowly moved up and down with each steady breath, and the warm glow of the sunlight splaying across his soft features.

"Morning," he mumbled softly, eyes remaining closed.

"How'd you know that I was awake?" Kurt asked with a frown, propping himself on his elbow.

"Your eyes are burning a hole into my skin," Blaine joked, smirking in amusement. "No, honestly though, you make this soft humming sound when you sleep, and I couldn't hear it when I woke up, so I assumed." He shrugged and let his eyes flutter open.

"I don't make noises!" Kurt said defensively, his frown deepening.

"You do." Blaine chuckled as Kurt groaned in embarrassment, flopping back onto the bed, and pulling his pillow over his face. "You did it for about a half hour without pausing once last night before I fell asleep. It's adorable, really. It's like you're trying to sing in your sleep."

"That's so embarrassing." Kurt's voice was muffled by his pillow.

"No, I told you, it was quite adorable." Blaine laughed, pulling the pillow away and chucking it off of the bed.

"Hey, my pillow!" Kurt looked back and forth between Blaine and the end of the bed. "That was rude."

"Oh god, now you're the five-year-old." When Kurt began to pout, Blaine amended his statement. "Maybe three-year-old is more accurate."

"The rudeness just doesn't stop," Kurt said, breaking his pout, a frown creeping across his face.

"Oh please," Blaine rolled his eyes. He watched as a pout once again made its way over Kurt's face, and shook his head before quickly moving to pin Kurt to the bed. His legs straddled Kurt's waist and his hands found Kurt's sides and began to tickle. Kurt's laughter erupted throughout the room, easily becoming one of Blaine's favorite sounds, as he continued to relentlessly move his fingers against his sides.

"Oh god...Blaine...stop..." Kurt stuttered in between laughter, wiggling underneath Blaine's grip. "It... it hurts..." he added as his hands found Blaine's wrists, the other boy trying to tug his hands away. "Blaine!" he giggled, sighing with relief as Blaine steadied his hands, splaying them lightly on Kurt's waist.

Both stayed silent for a moment as Kurt tried to catch his breath, their eyes locked on each other as he did.

"We um..." Blaine began, noticing the rapid movement of Kurt's chest beginning to steady. "Are you hungry?"

"Y-yeah." Kurt nodded quickly, eyes moving from Blaine's.

"Good, yeah – I don't have much around right now, but we could go grab something?"

"Sounds great." Kurt agreed, before looking up, waiting for Blaine to move.

"Alright, let's go then."

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