Chapter 18

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Author's note:

Yes, you guys, this is exactly what you think it is...the long awaited chapter 18! It took a while to get here, as life seems to get busy way too often for my liking! But it's here, and because of how this chapter ends, I hope to have the next one up soon!

Thank you all for sticking around with me for this, it's amazing to have followers like all of you!

As always, thank you to BeautifulUnseen for making this all pretty and such! You guys would be reading a big mess, if it weren't for her! Also, go check out her new sequel to Roses Dipped in Gold! You won't regret it!

Without further ado, here, after a month too long, is the newest chapter of Breathe Again! Enjoy, and let me know what you guys thought in the comments!



Kurt jumped in his spot at the table, spilling the spoon full of cereal that was on its way to his mouth as persistent knocking thundered throughout his apartment. He sighed as his eyes glanced over the small mess on his table, before frowning towards the door. He hadn't been expecting anyone, in fact he had planned on spending his entire day off alone, binge watching old seasons of America's Next Top Model. Kurt let out a groan as he made his way over to the door, checking himself over in the mirror before pulling it open, his frown deepening slightly as his eyes landed on the person that had been knocking on the door.

"Hi Kurt!" Sophia Grace Anderson exclaimed as she beamed up at the man, who looked slightly concerned that the little girl was standing at his front door, without an adult in sight. Not to mention that the last that Kurt had been aware, she lived in Ohio.

"Soph, sweetie, what are you doing here?" he asked slowly, his head snapping to the right when a soft giggle floated in to the silence, the sound a familiar one. Blaine stood a few feet away from the door, leaning against the wall with a smirk set on his lips.

Sophia's smile widened as she pulled her hands out from behind her back, producing three small slips of paper. "Uncle Blaine's taking me to the rides at Luna Park!" Sophia exclaimed. "And I told him that I'd only go if we could bring you."

"Did you now?" Kurt asked, trying his best to hide the smile that twitched at the sides of his lips.

"Yup!" Sophia nodded fiercely. "You're the fun one," she added matter-of-factly, resting her hand on her hip and rolling her eyes when her uncle scoffed. She sent a stern look in Blaine's direction. "He is."

Kurt lifted his hand to his mouth, stifling the laugh that threatened to spill out at the four-year-old's mannerisms. "You're my favorite Anderson, Soph." Kurt smiled, watching the girl nod before pushing past him and into the apartment, calling out for both boys to follow her. Kurt couldn't stifle his laugh this time.

"Go get dressed Kurtie! We're on a tight shedule, chop chop!" Kurt and Blaine laughed at her command and the way in which she pronounced the word 'schedule' like a tiny, British tyrant.

"It's schedule, Soph," Blaine corrected.

Sophia rolled her eyes once again before looking towards her uncle who had found a spot on Kurt's couch. "Whatever, Uncle Blainey. Kurtie! Go!" she demanded, scowling when the boy stood watching Blaine instead.

Kurt stood frozen for a minute, slightly panicking as he tried to figure out what exactly spending an entire day with Blaine might mean. He was still unsure of what they were exactly. They had agreed upon friends, but the line of friendship seemed to blur slightly when they were around each other. And then, there was still the nagging voice that continued to tell Kurt that Blaine no longer loved him, and that he had agreed to be friends with him out of pity. Although, if he had agreed out of pity, he most likely wouldn't have agreed to let him go with him and Sophia for an entire day.

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