🌹 Rose

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The high school is HUGE, nothing compared to my old middle school. I see people standing around in groups.

Great, I'm a loner. I walk over to a huge fountain and sit on the edge. Two burly werewolves walk up to me...and shove me into the fountain. How Rude. I stand up inside the fountain.

Everyone is laughing at me, except for a group of people who are look at me with pity in their eyes. I get out of the fountain and walk inside the school.

I see a semi-large sign that says office. I walk in the labeled room.

"Hello, how may I help you?" a lady at the front desk asks.

"Some werewolves pushed me into a fountain, do you happen to have a spare uniform I can borrow?" I ask.

"Sure but all we have are boys' uniforms," she answers.

"That's fine," I say.

She hands me the uniform and I walk to the locker room and change. Then a bell rings.

*ring ring*

I run to my first class, Music. Great! This is my favorite class!

"Hello students, today we have a new student, would you like to introduce yourself?" the teacher asks.

"No," I answer.

"Okay then on with today's lesson on....," the teacher says as I space out.

Time Skip to Lunch

My clothes finally dried. I'm a girl again. I walk into the lunchroom and sit down alone. A nice looking person walks up to me. She was one of the people who was pitying me earlier.

"Hello I'm Aphmau, nice to meet you, I was wondering if my friends and I could sit at this table with you?" she asks. Hmmmm, people, I hate people now, so no.

"Go right on ahead," I say emotionlessly. I silently eat my lunch.

"Sooooooooo, what's your name?," Aphmau asks.

"Li-Rose," I respond.

"Lirose what a nice name," Aphmau says. Whatever, I don't feel like correcting her. I'll probably make a fool of myself trying to explain anyway. (Lie-rose)

"So Lirose do you sing?"


"Do you dance?"


"Do you play video games?"


"Do you play sports?"


"Do you prank people?"


"Do you happen to be a werewolf?"


"Really? Can we see your ears and tail, please?," Aph asks.

"Whatever," I answer. I make my big, fuzzy, purple, ears and tail pop up.

"Wow, cool," Aph says.

" Ya now who is the alpha couple, the delta couple, the gramma couple, the beta couple and the omega couple," I command.

"The alphas are Ein and I. The deltas are Ethan and Oxi. The grammas are Luke and Xena. The betas are Rex and Luna. You and another werewolf named Aiden are the omegas," she answers.

"Great," I say sarcastically.


468 words

It's Fine: An Aphmau Fanfic (Finished)Where stories live. Discover now