Chapter 59: I'll Be Damned...

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Your POV

My nose was leading me down a specific hallway in this maze of underground tunnels. The dry dirt beneath my feet made a scraping sound with each footstep. My eyes swept from left to right, on the lookout for anything that moves.

In my hand, I still held Phoenix's sock. If I lost the scent, I could just track more with his sock.

At the end of the tunnel, I could see that it split into two other directions; left and right. I was going to try to track scents when somETHING BLACK CRAWLED ACROSS THE HALL IN FRONT OF ME, OH GOD!

I jumped back...only to see that it was a large a LARGE centipede, crawling and going into a hole on the side. I sighed and signaled everyone behind me to keep moving.

I was on high alert, anything could make me jump to the ceiling, even if it was nothing. I could hear all of our steps, the torches from where we started still lit and crackling, the beating of my own heart; I could hear it all.

My muscles were tight, ready to fight in case anyone attacked. I was already thinking about what defensive and fatal moves I would use.

We soon reached the fork of the tunnel and had to choose which way we'd go.

"Which way are you thinking, (Y/n)?" Jaime asked behind me.

I sniffed in both hallways; their scents have already spread and I can smell the same scent  both ways. Damnit.

I'm flustered. I don't know which way they zoomed down. I need to get to them fast! I kept looking down both ways as if I could see their scents or something...I DON'T KNOW! I'M A MOM AND WIFE AND I CAN'T FIND MY LITTLE FAMILY AND I WANT TO BREAKDOWN CRYING BUT I CAN'T. I...I gotta focus.

Making up my mind, "I think they're-"

A horrid cry made me shut my mouth to listen for it. That's my baby, I know it's him. Time to move.

"DOWN THE RIGHT, LET'S GO!" I shot in the direction of where the cries came from.

As we sprinted down that hall, there were more splits. Left, left, right, THEN one hall with four openings on the left side, widely spaced apart.

My son is in one of those four quadrants, I'm fucking ready. At a fast pace, I walked past the first one there. Passed the second room...still nothing. Passed the third room-THERE HE IS.

I jogged into the room only because I didn't know if anyone was going to attack me. What I first saw...I wasn't expecting.

Seven dead bodies were piled and decaying in the center of the room that was moderately lit by more torches on the walls. I knew none of the bodies could be Andy's, I didn't see his face or recognize any body parts.

Across the room sat 10 thrones on a high, dry dirt shelf that was built-in with the room. Under the shelf were three large wooden doors.

On the shelf...there's my Phoenix in some woman's arms. He cried over her shoulder, her back was turned to us.

Here's where my mouth came in, "Excuse me, but who the hell do you think you are?! Turn around and face your Queen, THAT'S AN ORDER!"

The woman laughed and spun around with a wicked smile.

Hold can't be.

The whole pack and clan gasped in disbelief.

"Well, well, well, you found us. Happy to see me? I know it's been a while." She sat in one of the centered thrones and crossed her legs. Her pale hands still wrapped around Phoenix and her red hair sat on her shoulder.

Against All Odds (Vampire X Werewolf) (Andy X Reader)✔️Where stories live. Discover now