Kiss Me on the Mouth (But Please Don't Bite) (TGCF)

546 7 0

pairing: warlock!xie lian x vampire!hua cheng
word count: 3.3k
summary: Xie Lian is a warlock wh broke his coven's rule to save Hua Cheng who's transitioning into a vampire.
genre and content warnings: vampire au, one-shot, witch au, tgcf ff, blood, biting, kissing, blood licking, bullying


On the tenth of June, Hua Cheng, who was celebrating his seventeenth birthday, died.

And if one was wondering—no—he didn't have a peaceful death.

Ever since he was young, Hua Cheng had been told that he had brought bad luck. No one really paid him attention for fear of attracting the dark energy flowing in his veins.

Even his own mother wasn't able to escape his misfortune. She died upon giving birth to Hua Cheng.

When he was born, he was alone.

When he died, he was still alone.

Hua Cheng remembered the night of his death vividly. Kids his age were having their regular 'fun night,' and by fun, it meant bullying people like him. The latter was easy prey; he never fought back no matter how many times those kids kicked and threw punches at him.

The leader of those bullies was the son of their village's mayor. If he fought back, how was he supposed to enjoy the daily ration of meat-bun the local government provided for orphans like him?

Hua Cheng didn't have a choice but to endure. On the night that he died, he was beaten into a pulp by those bullies. He was barely breathing, and for the first time, the kids felt fear rather than gratification when they looked at him. They thought he would die, so they dragged his body into the forest and left him there.

Hua Cheng couldn't save himself even if he wanted to. He was both scarred and scared.


Such an unfamiliar feeling. Hua Cheng felt hunger, injustice, sadness...but never fear. He had never encountered something that made him lose his wits—that was until he came face to face with a monster that sucked blood.

Vampires were a common myth in their village, but since there wasn't anyone willing to talk and guide him, Hua Cheng naturally didn't know about the existence of these blood-sucking monsters. All he knew was that when he was left to rot in the forest, 'something' had hauled him to his feet, pushed him against the tree, and bit his neck deep.

Hua Cheng groaned in pain as crimson liquid dripped down his neck. He was trembling, both in loss of blood and fear. But the monster only laughed at his state, voice low, teasing, "You're gonna die in my hands, pretty boy. I will eat your eyeballs and suck your blood dry~."

Without warning, the vampire used its long nails to dig its victim's right eye. Hua Cheng let out a piercing scream.

He struggled to get away from the monster. He was crying: one eye with tears, the other eye socket with blood.

The vampire basked in this human's misery. It swallowed the eyeball whole and licked its bloody lips, its fangs dug into Hua Cheng's flesh.

"The other one~" It was ready to harm the other eye of its victim, but an arrow pierced through the monster's chest, immediately stopping its heart.

Horror seeped into Hua Cheng's bones. His eyes dilated as the vampire fell to the ground. The one who shot an arrow was clearly an expert. The move was swift and calculated because although frightening to think, the arrowhead didn't pass through Hua Cheng. It only pierced the monster. Despite this, the seventeen-year-old boy still plopped down on the cold ground.

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