Stains of Green (Banana Fish)

541 11 0

pairing: Ash Lynx x Okumura Eiji
summary: Ash follows Eiji to Japan.
warnings/tags: Post-Canon, Canonical Character Death, Blood and Injury, Stabbing Character, Death.

Eiji was feeling jet-lagged.

Sitting on a plane for fifteen hours really rattled him; it was evident from how red the rims of his eyes were. He hadn't had a wink of sleep during his flight back to Japan. Admittedly, it was because he couldn't seem to let go of a certain green-eyed boy despite pouring out his emotions for him through a letter.

Eiji didn't expect desolation to come knocking at his door the second the plane took off.

He missed Ash.

Terribly so.

He thought he could make peace with himself by refusing to say goodbye to Ash. Sing said it himself; Ash would see him soon.

It wasn't the end for them.

"Hey, you okay?" Eiji blinked back to reality upon hearing Ibe's voice. The older man was looking at him with eyes full of concern.

Eiji's heart throbbed. He forced himself to nod, "Yes, just a little jet-lagged."

The crease on Ibe's forehead straightened. He smiled at Eiji, "Don't worry. We'll stay here in Tokyo for a few days before going back to Izumo."

Eiji didn't argue. He was actually pleased to hear this from Ibe. His motion sickness was on the edge of a cliff, one more push, and he'd succumb from nausea.

Ibe handed Eiji a hotel room key. The two of them exchanged a few pleasantries before going to their separate rooms.

Eiji was really tired. He collapsed on the bed right away, his heavy eyes finally screwed shut, and within a second, he was already off to dreamland.

Someone was knocking on the door; Eiji was startled awake because of this. He had brushed with death far too many times when he was in New York, forcing him to be more vigilant with his surroundings despite how groggy he felt.

"Who is it?" His hoarse voice traveled on the four corners of the room. Eiji's voice was loud enough; surely, the person outside his door heard him.

But why didn't that person answer?

Eiji sighed in irritation. He was usually a well-tempered man, but separation anxiety, fatigue, and other unknown feelings caught up to him, making him agitated. Heedless of this, he still lazily got up to open the door.

It's probably Ibe. Eiji remembered that he made plans with the older man to stroll around Tokyo and have dinner afterward. He missed his country too—perhaps going out would somehow aid his broken heart.

Finding this little joy, Eiji's furrowed brows finally relaxed as he opened the door. He was ready to see a mop of brown hair and a pair of chocolate eyes; however, he saw a blond boy with eyes the color of bushes instead.

"A-Ash...?" Eiji stumbled backward; he was so startled that his body trembled. He spent days and nights wishing to see this person, but now that it's happening, he only felt...fear.

Fear that he was just dreaming.

How could this be?

Did Ash really follow him here? Did he use the ticket Eiji bought for him? Did the letter?

"O-hisashiburi desu—" Eiji's questions had been answered when Ash titled his head. A smile graced his thin lips as he raised his hand, saying, "Onii-chan."

Long time no see  was what Ash said, causing Eiji's heart to painfully throb. His accent was a little off, but Eiji couldn't bring himself to care. The only thing registering in his head was this: Ash practiced how to greet him in Japanese. He probably anticipated meeting Eiji too. He kept his promise when he said he'd see him soon.

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