Chapter 26: More hassle

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Chapter 26: More hassle

    Friday 12 April 2013 5:15pm1

As soon as I get in the house, my mum is asking me how my day was and if I met any new friends. All I want to do is ask Angel about things between him and Jake.

    “Mum, give me five minutes please!” I snap at her. She soon shut up and walked back into the living room and sat down. I breathe out deeply in a huff and storm off to my room.

    “ANGEL!!” I shout down to him from in my room, he storms up the stairs and into my room.

    “Wha?” He asks with attitude written all over him, that’s my job, not his.

    I calm my nerves a little bit “Can we please talk about Jake, and why you hate him so much?” Angel sits down on my bed and talks to me about him and me

    “I know what you are Scar, and I know what his kind do to people like you?” He tells me

    “How do you know what I am, who are his kind, who is he? You haven’t even met him properly, you’re only judging him my his cover. He’s not a book to be judged on by a cover!” I yell at him, my mum heard all the noise and comes in my room to see what it was all about, Angel explains to mum about Jacob being a Vampire and that I’m in love with him, which I am.

    “Angel, give us a moment please, I know you’re only looking out for your sister, but she need to do this one on her own, trust me, she’ll be fine.” Mum smiles at him and he walks out downstairs.

    “Aww, sweetie, a Vampire really? Is that what he thinks he is? He has no idea what a Vampire can do; he will be making it up.” My mum tells me.

    “Seriously mum, he knows what I am! I know what I am!” I tell her straight to her face, looking into her eyes at all times

    “Scarlet, are you feeling okay hunnie?” My mum asks me smoothly. I explain to her how I got my tattoos by falling head over heels for Jacob. She sits there in silence with her hand over her mouth in shock.

    “It’s true, he is a Vampire, a Rare Blood’s tattoos will only come if she falls too in love with a Vampire, Scarlet, hunnie have you met Mother Nature yet?” My mum smiles a half smile. I nod and tell my mum all about what she said, it wasn’t a dream after all, I’m so happy, but unhappy, what if something goes wrong, what if I burn something or cause a flood, make the winds strong or pull a tree from the ground in public? What if I bring someone back from the dead?! I scream inside my head and curl my fists into a ball.

    No, Scarlet, no! I won’t do that, I won’t think about that stuff and it will not happen, simple as that… I say to myself

    “Wow Scarlet, they’re some powers, you are going to be the best Rare Blood in the whole clan.” My mum tells me.

    I smile a huge smile at her, “I think I’m gonna get some sleep now, talk to Mother Nature for a bit and train how to use my powers. Goodnight mum, I’ll have some food later for supper, wake me up if I’m still asleep, Angel should know how to get into my head to see what I’m doing, make sure he does before you wake me, it could be important things, I love you, loo-li-lai-lay.” I kiss my mum’s forehead and give her a huge hug before kicking her out of my room. Once she’s gone I get into my black silk pj’s and snuggle into my cosy bed.

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