Chapter 5: Mummy’s home! Tea and bedtime soon.
Monday, April 30 2007, 5:10 p.m.
A few moments later I hear the doorbell ring then the handle being tried. I look at the glass window through the door and see a woman’s shadow. Next thing I heard was the key going into the slot.
“It’s mummy!” I shout and run to the door as I do the door opens and I run into my mum and hug her tight.
“Well hello to you too Scarlet.” My mum says and laughs. I giggle and say hello to her.
I get one of the bags and carry it inside; it’s only light so I can manage to help her with it.
“Is spaghetti and meatballs okay for tea?” My mum asks me, I look at her and nod. Then I unpack the shopping with her and watch her while she cooks.
During all this time Angel is on the laptop and the others are in Angel’s room. I go back and watch The Smurfs, as soon as it’s finished I hear my mum putting the bowls of spaghetti on the dining table.
“Tea’s done!” My mum shouts to us all, I hear the boys come running down the stairs and into the dining room.
“Mrs Walker” Anthony said, he pauses and put a spoonful of the spaghetti into his mouth. “This is the best spaghetti ever.” He continued. The other boys agree with silent yes’ and my mum looks at them and thanks them.
Once I’ve finished I go into the front room and look at the time, it’s almost 7:00 p.m. I’m thinking of going to bed now, I’m getting a bit tired.
“Goodnight mum, boys.” I call out, then I hear all the boys say good night to me at the same time, my mum walks in from the kitchen kisses my forehead and says,
“Good night sweetheart, sweet dreams, I’ll see you in the morning, Loo-Li-Lai-Lay.” I repeat those four words because it’s like our special thing. Mum and Angel have their own special thing and this is mine and mums.
Monday, April 30 2007, 7:02 p.m.
I give her a hug and walk upstairs. As soon as I’m in my room, I go to my dresser and pull out my pyjamas and put them on. After that I get snuggled into bed with my favourite book. ‘The Princess and the Frog.’
It’s about this Princess who kisses a frog (who was a Prince) and the frog changes back into a Prince and they live happily ever after.
The End.
“I’m all tucked up in bed mum!” I shout to her, I know it’s my mum because I can hear her humming the song we sing, I love it so much and so does my mum.
“Okay sweet.” She says as she walks into my room, kisses me again on the forehead again, “I will see you in the morning my sweet.
“Good night mummy.” I say and give her a huge hug and roll onto my side, shut my eyes and drift off to sleep.