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It was late, the rain falling down hard against his pavement. He wanted to sit outside, mostly to get some fresh air, but more so to watch for Roxanne. Stacey had called, saying Roxanne hadn't been home all day, and on top of that she had gotten back into smoking. Since when did she smoke? Max couldn't grasp the idea of Roxanne doing something so gross.

"Yo, man, do you think it's a good idea?She'll be fine." PJ said, looking out the window.

"Peej, I know I said I wanted to distance myself, but I can't help worry about her." Max said, his foot propped up on a stool.

"Didn't you say you met a new girl today though? You can't be chasing after Roxanne anymore if you want to move on." PJ said. Max sighed.

He looked at his watch. Almost midnight. Where could she be?

A car drove up the road, Max watching to see if it would stop in front of their house. It did. He picked up his crutches and waited.

"Isn't that Bradley's car?" Bobby said, opening the front door. He held a can of cheese in his hand.

"Why is Bradley here this late?" Max asked.

Bradley got out, unfolding an umbrella before walking up to their door. He was wearing a nice white shirt, with dark blue dress pants and dark shoes. His Rolex watch gleamed as the porch light hit it, making Bradley look like the guy Max had met back his freshman year.

"Good evening, gentlemen." Bradley said, stopping just short of the stairs.

"Hey Brad." PJ and Bobby both mumbled.

"Yo, is everything okay? I wasn't expecting you." Max said.

"It is. Kind of. Our friend is passed out drunk in the front seat of my car though." Bradley said pointing.

"Who?" Max asked, his heart sinking. It couldn't be Roxanne.

"Roxanne." Bradley said.

"How? Where?!" Max asked, his voice elevated.

"Not with me if that's what you're thinking. Jasmine called me and asked if I could take her home. Apparently they were having a party. I didn't know Roxanne did these sort of things." Bradly said, shaking his head. "That's why she's been missing class."

Max hopped past him, his crutches digging into his armpit. He felt the rain begin to hit his face, shoulders and arms but he didn't care. How could Roxanne be so reckless? This wasn't the girl he had fallen in love with.

"You're going to get sick!" He heard Bradley yell. "Does he ever listen?"

"Unfortunately for us, no." PJ said, disappearing into the house.

Max looked through the heavily tinted windows, barely making our her features. He opened the door and made to grab her when she pushed him off her.

"What are you doing?" She yelled, taking her seatbelt off. "Get away from me you cheating piece of-"

"Woah, woah, easy there." Bradley said, having come to his side. She looked up at Bradley and smiled.

"It's you. My only good friend. You know everything don't you?" Roxanne mumbled, getting out of the car. She had Bradley's coat over her. "I love you Bradley. Do you know this?"

Max had to swallow down the sour taste that had built up in his mouth. Was she being serious?

"Come on now, let's get you to bed." Bradley said, putting his umbrella down. "Now jump on three- one, two and three!"

Roxanne did as she was told, being held against Bradley's arms. She dug her face into his chest and went back to sleep.

"Don't worry mate. I got it from here." Bradley informed him. "You can use my umbrella if you want."

"What for?" Max asked, annoyed. "I'm already wet."

Bradley shrugged. Max walked behind him up to Roxanne's house, where Stacey was waiting by the door.

"I am tired of feeling like her parent!" Stacey exclaimed angrily. "Just throw her on the couch. She's going to have a rough one in the morning. She has no one else to blame but herself."

Max watched as Bradley gently put Roxanne down. She opened her eyes again, this time, looking at Max.

"Do you remember when you sang for me?" She asked softly, her eyes slowly closing again. "That was the best thing anyone's ever done for me."

"Okay! Everyone OUT!" Stacey said, throwing a blanket back on the sleeping Roxanne. "Thank you Bradley for all your help.But I am tired and I really need to sleep if I'm to talk to this girl this morning."

Max didn't want to leave. He wanted to stay with her, to make sure she was okay. Why was it so hard to get over her?

"Max. I mean it. Out." Stacey said, patting his back. "I'm tired."

"Can you call me in the morning? Let me know how she is?" He asked.

Stacey sighed. "I'll try."

"Thanks. Night Stace." He said as he moved his way out.

Brad was waiting for him by the gate.

"Jasmine is up to something." He said, the rain making his hair fall over his eyes.

Max hadn't thought of Jasmine in a while. A guilty pang settled in his stomach. Even though he had no romantic feelings for her, he still cared about her as a person.

"Roxanne never mentioned being friends with her. She told me about her old smoking habit, but not drinking. She told me she never drank. I'm assuming that was something Jasmine introduced her to tonight." Bradley said.

How did Bradley know more about Roxanne than him? Was he really that close to Roxanne?

"I'm going to see what I can find out. Thanks for helping her out tonight." Max said, the cold getting to him. Bradley just stood there, unfazed.

"No problem. I'll see you around Goof." Bradley said, walking away towards his car. Max hurried inside, wishing with all his might his leg would heal.

Author's Note:
Hi everyone! Thanks so much for reading. It means a lot. I just wanted to let everyone know that I'm going to try to upload once a week, maybe twice if I can find the time. I'm working on my NaNoWriWro book as well as keeping up with this fanfiction and its all too hectic! Let's not even bring school and work into all this.

Anyways, I'm getting a lot of questions on just general things about my story, and I thought I would cover some of those questions on my blog

You are free to send me questions to my messages or write them on the comment sections. I will NOT be answering questions that will spoil the story later on. I'll write the post next week and will publish it Dec 1st. So we have til then to get your questions in! I'll be picking the best questions!


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