If Only For 5 Minutes

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Max lay on his side, facing the window. He was careful not to put much pressure against his leg or arm, since both were bandaged pretty tightly.

He heard the door open, but he didn't bother to turn around. It's probably Jasmine, he thought. It had been hard talking to her, because she was quick to apologize, without really understanding that he wasn't happy with her crazy party ways. The last time she got drunk she had jumped into the pool, naked.

"Hem, hem."

"Yeah?" he asked. Do these nurses ever leave him alone?

He felt a tap on his shoulder and he turned around quickly. The red head stepped back, startled, bumping into his IV post.

"Roxanne?!" he stated, shocked. She flicked away her bang, exposing her dark brown eyes. "What, but how?"

"Hi, Max." she said, blushing. He couldn't believe it. He patted his forehead with his hand, closing his eyes.

"I must be dreaming- this isn't real." He said to himself. She giggled and he opened his eyes again. She was really here, in front of him.

"Wow, I don't know what to say." He smiled, memories flooding through his brain.

"I wanted to know if you were okay, I- I was worried." Roxanne said, playing with her hair. She had the same old habit. He extended his good arm and she leaned into him, hugging him.

"It's so good to see you," Max said, the smell of cherry blossom's intoxicating him. This was her scent. How could he have ever forgotten? "How did you know I was here? When did you get here? Mocha was right!"

"I was the one that saw the accident happen. Stacey called the ambulance, but I was too- I don't know- but I – never mind. I am here now." She said, straightening up. "How are you feeling?"

"It doesn't matter! I can't believe you are really here!" Max exclaimed, but then caught himself. He had to play it cool. He wanted to show her he wasn't the Goof kid anymore. "I'm okay, when did you get here? Did you see who did it?"

"I couldn't make out the car, I was too worried about you. But it was definitely a hit and run. You were in pretty bad shape. You passed out in my arms." Roxanne said, her face scrunching up, remembering the scene.

"So it was you I saw before I passed out." Max said, remembering the girl he had seen after the accident. "I thought it was my girlfriend."

"Oh," Roxanne said, surprised. She looked down at the floor.

"Thank you, Roxanne, for saving me." He said softly, taking her hand. She looked up, her eyes wide, but smiled.

"Uh hi?"

Roxanne turned around and saw Jasmine standing there, an eyebrow raised and a tray of food in her hands. Now that they were in close proximities she could see that Jasmine had green eyes, which were squinted, her face annoyed.

"Oh, hey Jasmine- this is my friend Roxanne." Max said quickly, letting go of Roxanne's hand.

"Uh, huh." Jasmine said, walking around her and setting the tray on the desk. "I've never seen or heard of you. You were with that girl that came and barged in our room."

"That was Stacey- and sorry about that." Roxanne said. Max could feel the tension between both girls.

"She's an old friend from high school. That's why you haven't met her." He said, wanting Jasmine to ease up. He felt embarrassed.

"Max has to eat, could you maybe come back later?" Jasmine asked, taking a seat next to Max. He closed his eyes and took a deep breath.

"I don't have to eat now." He said through gritted teeth.

"It's okay, I'll come back later maybe. It was nice seeing you again, Max. And it makes me really happy that you are doing well." Roxanne said, giving him a slight nod. He didn't want her to go.

"Roxanne, you don't have to-"

"It's okay Max. " she said and walked out of the room. He stared at the door, which had been firmly shut.

"What the hell were you doing?" he asked Jasmine. "And please get off the bed."

She moved to the chair and opened a can of soda. "I don't like her."

Max groaned. "Oh my gosh! Please tell me why you don't like a girl you've never met."

She took a sip of her soda and waited a bit before focusing her attention back on him. "Why didn't you ever mention her to me?"

"Okay, we need to talk about this later. I am not in a good mood right now." He said, leaning back on his pillow. The one good thing that had come from this accident was having Roxanne come back, even if it was for five minutes. He had no way to reach her, or know where she was staying, or what she was up to now.

All because Jasmine had kicked her out.

If he had had both good legs, he would have gone after her.

"I agree. I'm leaving Max Goof. You know how to reach me." Jasmine said, standing up and slamming her can on the desk, spilling some on Max.

"Hey!" he exclaimed, wiping the orange soda from his face. "Ughhhh!"

He slammed his fist on the desk, angry. How much more of Jasmine would he be able to take?

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