Is It Too Late To Say Sorry Now?

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Max couldn't sleep that night. Everything had happened too fast. He tossed and turned... remembering how she had squeezed his hand, smiled and walked away from him. Like an idiot, he just stood there and watched her walk away... again.

Is it really too late to say sorry now?

He looked down at his leg, which was still healing and bothering him a little. He was tired of limping. Everything that could go wrong did. If only he could call her... but it was 4am... he couldn't.

What are you doing Max? You're with Jasmine. She's with Tony. Let them be.

He grabbed his remote and turned his T.V on. Powerline was on MTV, his videos playing back to back.

Going to Stand Out... until you notice me.

He found himself singing along to the song, something he hadn't done in years. It gave him a feeling of hope, just like it had back in freshman year of high school. He had to do something. If it meant ruining his relationship, losing the title as King, becoming less popular, than so be it. But he was determined to win her back. He picked up his phone and began to dial Jasmine's number.


Roxanne woke up to the sound of someone screaming outside her window. She jumped over her dresser to get a better look, and saw the flaming red head throwing things at Max's doorstep. It was still dark out.

"Roxanne, what's all that noise?" Stacey asked, walking into her room, her eyes half closed.

"Something's going on over at Max's." she whispered, her attention focused on the house across the street. The lights on Max's window turned on and she saw Bobby poke his head out.


"Um, Jasmine, dude, he says he will talk to you later. Um, okay stop throwing stuff." Bobby yelled from the window. A book nearly missed his face as it flew past him.

"Oh goodness. Oh no! What is she doing?" Stacey asked running over.

"I think, I think Max broke up with her." Roxanne said softly, not knowing how to feel. She went numb.

She felt Stacey's eyes on her.

"I'm going to bed." She said, closing the blinds.

"Woah, aren't you happy about this?" Stacey asked, confused. "Isn't this what you wanted?"

"Stace, I never said that. I didn't want to hurt anyone. I wanted to get over Max. To move past everything. I didn't expect him to do anything. " Roxanne said, feeling guilty.

"What? Why are you being like this?"

"Because Max hasn't changed! You really think he will just drop everything to TRY to be with me? He cares more about image. I bet you anything he will get back with her. Besides," she took a seat on her bed. "I'm with Tony now."

Stacey shook her head.


"Roxy, you don't like Tony that way. I know you." Stacey said, taking a set next to her.

"Max just comes with too much baggage for me. Too much to take in. I'm not ready for any of that. Please, Stace, understand." Roxanne said, each word she said felt like a jab at her heart.

Max was the guy she loved. LOVED.

She knew she still loved him.

But how could she get past everything he did, and on top of that deal with the life he had made for himself. She wasn't into anything he did. She didn't drink, she didn't party. She didn't like attention. She felt her tears forming again.

She needed to stop.

She needed to close off her heart for good.

The tears faded.


Bradley couldn't believe they had run for so long. He was out of breath, but felt at peace. For once.

Cora was braiding her hair, sweat rolling down her temples. He looked at his watch. It was nearly five in the morning.

"Do you feel better?" Cora asked, her eyes landing on him. He felt nervous all of a sudden. She had this weird effect on him.

"Um, yeah. That run helped so much." He said, taking a deep breath. Something bad was coming. He could feel it in his bones.

"What happened? If you don't mind me asking?"

There it was. The bad feeling.

"Uh, just, um." Why couldn't he find the right words? Why was he so afraid to tell her the truth? He looked away from her, noticing that it helped not to have to stare at her lovely eyes.

"Honestly, I think I fucked up." He tried to pick his words carefully. "I kinda ran into my ex."

He looked over at her, noticing that she had tensed up. Her mouth was in a straight line but she nodded and continued braiding her hair. He took a deep breath, confused as to why this felt so hard to say. "She's involved with some other guy and, well, I ended up kissing her."

He heard Cora let out a deep breath. At that moment all he wanted to do was hold her.

What the hell, Bradley?

He turned. It was that evil voice again.

They had been sitting on a bench next to a small pond. The moon was still shining down, making the water sparkle magically under the white light. It was a beautiful sight, all except for his reflection, which was standing in the water, arms crossed.

Why do you care what you say in front of her? She's your competition.

Bradley tried to ignore the voice and turned his body to face Cora. Her cheeks had gone pale.

"Do you have feelings for her?" Cora asked softly.

You know you do Bradley, be honest. Jasmine has been on your mind since the day she left you.

Bradley could feel his face getting hot. This evil Bradley, as he liked to call him, was doing too much right now.

"Not anymore," he responded to the evil Bradley.

"You don't?" Cora asked.

"Huh?" Bradley looked back at her again. "Oh yeah, right. No, I don't."

"Then why did you kiss her?" she asked. "You don't do things like with someone you don't have feelings for. At least, I don't."

Ahahahahah, I think she likes you. You need to let her down easily now Brad, because we both know you did more than just kiss her. You called it a kiss didn't you? After you left her apartment? I'm in your mind Bradley, you know I'm right. You said you kissed her. C'mon.

Bradley closed his eyes, feeling frustrated. It was true. He had done more. He couldn't explain why. It just happened. No feelings attached. Nothing. He was thinking about Cora the whole time. But why did any of that matter?

"It's getting late, I think I'm going to get going." Cora said, standing up.

"No! You can't go yet." Bradley said, trying to focus. The evil Bradley was laughing, and it was distracting.

"It was nice running with you, maybe some other time?" Cora said and before he could say anything she began to jog away from him. He watched her go, feeling like shit.

"I know that I let you down." Bradley said to himself.

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