Sorta Best Man

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Amara woke up two days after Alec visited her and straight away she was running around helping Jace who was helping Clary. Amara felt as though something was off, like she was missing a piece of a puzzle. No one told her the news yet, she didn't know. "so I sacrifice my life for your mundane boyfriend who then walks  back in my brothers hotel just to go an die?" Amara asked Clary while they ran around New York looking for him.

Days past and no one told her about Alec and Allison until now. Amara was training in her room- in the loft- when Alec walked in. "Hey Mare." Alec greeted her when she looked in his direction. 

"What's up Alec?" Amara asked him sensing that he was about to talk about something serious.

"well... I was wondering if you would stand with Jace while I marry Allison." she froze.

"what?" Amara asked, hoping that she heard wrong.

"can you stand with Jace while I marry Allison." 

"You're getting married?" Amara asked, Alec's features changed into shock.

"oh shit." Alec said realizing that he forgot to tell her, "I'm sorry, I forgot to tell you."

"yeah, that's a big thing to forget." Amara told him. 

"anyways can you?"

"before i answer you i need you to tell me if this is what you really want." Amara asked him in all seriousness.

"why does everyone ask me that, you and Jace?" Alec whined "Yes, I'm happy with Allison."

"Okay we ask because me and Jace are the closest to you and we want to make sure your not rushing into this." Amara explained to him. "But if you're TRULY happy with her, I will stand with you and Jace and help you through  this." 

"okay that's great, I don't think that I could do this if I didn't have my Parabatai and my best friend up there with me." Alec worried.

"I'll be there for you. Always." Amara told him hugging him.

"Thank-you so much for being here." Alec told her while they hugged.

"Dude, I'm ALWAYS going to be here for you. I promise." she spoke telling him while they parted 

"Okay, I got to go." Alec told her, "I'll see you at the institute in an hour?"

"What's going on at the institute in an hour?"

"umm, well the envoy from the clave is supposed to be coming there." 

"what? since when?"

"the clave ordered it when you were sleeping." 

"oh" Amara said. "well if you are going to meet her now, I might as well join you."

"okay, let's go." 

And off they went. At the institute they seen Max who was waiting at the door for them "AMARA! you're okay." He said as he ran towards her. Amara found it easy to left him up off of the ground to spin him. 

"of course, I'm okay. I couldn't leave you with JUST Alec." he laughed at that and when Amara put him down a purple light came through the door and Valentine came walking through.

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