Melody Island

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The next morning

"Guys, wake up. Do you hear that?" Hiccup asked.
"What, I don't hear anything other than you, now let me go back to bed.," Astrid said half asleep.
"Exactly, the sound is gone," Hiccup said.
"Stop being paranoid. It's probably nothing," Astrid said.
"Astrid, Stormfly is gone and so are the dragons. All of them, gone!" Fishlegs exclaimed.
"Fishlegs, your like Hiccup this morning," Astrid replied.
"Snotlout, get me a bucket," Hiccup ordered.
"You know you can use a bush, right?" Snotlout asked.
"Not like that. Thanks anyway," Hiccup said taking the bucket and dipping it into the ocean. He threw the water over Astrid.

"Okay, Okay. I'm up. Happy, Hiccup?" she angrily asked.
"Not a bit. But since your up take a look around," he replied.
"Where's my dragon?" she asked.
"Dunno, where's Barch?" Ruff asked.
"Barch?" Fishlegs asked in confusion.
"It's our nickname for our dragon," Tuff explained.
"Alright, lets stop the joking around and everyone look for their dragons," Hiccup said.
"Just one question. Snotlout, did you kiss me lately?" Astrid asked.
"Yes, why?" Snotlout replied.
"I think I'm gonna throw up," Astrid said.
"Guys, dragons," Hiccup said.
"Fine," Astrid replied.
"If you say so," Snotlout added.

Astrid looked around the forest, Hiccup and Fishlegs looked on the beach, Snotlout looked in the mountain and the twins looked behind a rock.

"How many times are you gonna check behind that rock? Barf and Belch cannot hide behind there," Astrid stated.
"Clearly, you are not aware of the stealthiness of one Barf and Belch or is that two Barf and Belch?" Ruff asked herself.
Hmm, excellent question, sister. Two heads, one dragon," Tuff replied.
"Two brains, one body," Ruff added.
"Two bodies, half a brain," Astrid said.
"Astrid, there is no need for that nonsense," Tuff said.
"Yeah, there is no accomplishment to that," Ruff added.

"Did you guys find anything?" Hiccup asked.
"No," Tuff said.
"No sign of him," Snotlout replied.
"Stormfly is no where to be found," Astrid said.
"Nothing, I don't get it. Where would they go?" Hiccup asked.
"Oh my Meatlug. She wouldn't do this. She would never leave me. She would never do this on her own," Fishlegs said.
"None of the dragons would do this, except Hookfang," Astrid added.
"Why except Hookfang?" Snotlout asked.
"Because he doesn't like you," Astrid answered.

Suddenly, rustling came from the bushes. The riders stopped arguing.

"Something's there," Ruff said.
"No way, there is? Because we all heard the bushes!" Snotlout screamed.

Toothless jumped out of the bushes. They gave a sigh of relief.

"There you are bud. Where did you go?" Hiccup asked and Toothless started acting weird.
"Okay, I think your dragon ate something weird in the forest because he's out of his mind," Snotlout said.
"No, I think he's trying to tell us something," Fishlegs pointed out.
"What is it bud. Is it the other dragons?" Hiccup asked.

Toothless grabbed his rider's metal leg and rand into the bushes.

"How far do you think he's gonna get before he realizes?" Astrid asked.
"Hard to say, he seemed pretty committed," Hiccup said looking down at his foot.

The dragon quickly came back and dropped Hiccup's metal leg in front of him.

"It's okay bud, I like the enthusiasm. You guys stay here in case they come back. Toothless and I are gonna look for them from above," Hiccup ordered.
"Hiccup, we have no idea what's here," Astrid said.
"And leaving us defenceless is not a good idea," Fishlegs added.
"You guys will be fine," Hiccup said taking off.
"Do you guys think we'll be fine?" Astrid asked.
"Nope," the twins said.
"Not a bit," Fishlegs replied.
"Worst idea he has ever had," Snotlout said.
"He has had worse ideas," Tuff said to Snotlout.
"Yeah, like the time he went to Outcast Island with Alvin," Ruff said.
"Wait. Do you guys hear that?"Astrid asked.
"Sounds like something's running," Snotlout said.
"Oh Thor, Oh Thor," Fishlegs panicked.
"What is it now?" Snotlout rudely asked.
"Thunderdrum," Fishlegs replied.
"Where?" Tuff excitedly asked.
"Right there," Astrid said, pointing to it.

They ran to a few rocks and ducked behind some

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They ran to a few rocks and ducked behind some. The Thunderdrum let out a blast. Toothless fired at the rogue dragon.

"Good job bud. Let's hope that's the last we see of this guy," Hiccup said.
"Anything else you wanna draw towards us? Changwings, Scaldrons, ooh Screaming Death maybe. I'm sure there one of those around here!" Snotlout yelled.
"Snotlout, you're yelling very loudly," Hiccup said.
"Oh really, I can barely hear myself because that's what happens when you get attacked by a wild Thunderdrum!" Snotlout replied shouting.
"Okay, we need our dragons. I'm gonna go back out there," Hiccup said. The others gave no reply. "I'm saying I'm going back out there!"
"No you're not!" Ruff yelled.
"I will take your other leg," Tuff screamed
"No way Hiccup. You are not leaving us alone!" Astrid shouted.
"We're dragonless and defenseless!" Fishlegs followed.
"And we can only communicate by yelling!" Ruff pointed out.
"Which although quite enjoyable is not very stealthy. Are you hearing any of this?!" Tuff asked.
"Okay, fine we'll all go together. Oh for.. I said we'll all go together!" Hiccup screamed.
"Why didn't you just say so? Jeez," Tuff said.

They started walking into the deep, dark forest to find their dragons.

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