The Amber and the Dragon

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The riders were about half way onto the forests. Terrors flew over their heads.

"Uh Hiccup..." Fishlegs started.
"I know Fishlegs, no longer amazing," Hiccup said.
"Can we get a vote for creepy and weird?" Snotlout asked.
"You don't need to take a vote," Astrid said.
"I know, this place is scaring me," Tuff added.
"Guys, you'll never guess what I found," Ruff said.

They walled into an opening and came into a clearing. White rocks were in a pile.

'Are those what I think there are?" Fishlegs asked.
"Weirdly shaped white rocks?" Ruff asked.
"Dragon bones," Hiccup said.
"Ah a boneyard, yes I like it. I don't like it," Tuff said.
"What is this stuff?" Astrid said picking up an orange object.
"No idea but I'm sure we'll find out," Hiccup said. A dragon could be heard in the distance.

"Okay, what was that?" Snotlout asked.
"That, my friend, is a dragon in trouble," Fishlegs answered.
"Well... what are we waiting for?" Astrid asked impatiently.
"Astrid's right. Let's go," Ruff said.

"Woah," Hiccup said as he looked upon a field of trapped dragons.
"You guys do know what's going on here, don't you?" Tuff asked.
"Yeah, Something is trapping the dragons in its amber rock substance and immobilizing them," Fishlegs explained.
"Oh, I had a completely different idea which involved oily fish and uh, bad mutton," Tuff said.
"Then its breaking them out and eating them," Fishlegs continued.
"Oh come on. Who would be doing that?" Ruff asked. A multicolored dragon came into sight.

"How about that guy? He looks suspect to me," Ruff said answering her own question

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"How about that guy? He looks suspect to me," Ruff said answering her own question.
"It's the sound. that's what draws the dragons in," Hiccup pointed out.
"Song Wing," Fishlegs said.
"What are you talking about?" Astrid asked.
"That's what we should name it," Fishlegs explained.
"Now? Really? You want to name it now?" Hiccup asked in amazement.
"We need to call it something," Fishlegs replied.
Yeah, I'm thinking Death Song might be more appropriate. You know, 'cause you hear the song, you're dead," Tuff said.
"Tell you what, he makes a pretty good point," Hiccup said.
"Yeah, I do. Wait, what was it again?" Tuff asked.
"What? Are you kidding me?" Snotlout asked.

"It doesn't matter what we call it. If it's doing it to all these dragons, then it probably did it to ours," Astrid said.
"We have to find them," Fishlegs said.
"Fast," Hiccup added. They split up looking for their dragons.

"Hookfang! Hookfang!" Snotlout shouted.
"Snotlout, look!" Astrid said pointing to Hookfang trapped in an amber cocoon.
"Hooky! I am getting you out of there, Fangster," Snotlout said.
"Astrid, I've got Stormfly!" Fishlegs called.
"Stormfly, are you alright girl?" Astrid asked.

The Death Song's roar could be heard getting closer and Toothless runs away to face it. When the Death Song arrived, Toothless was ready to face it. But the Death Song coats him with amber and he is stuck.

"No! You guys, get your dragons free now!" Hiccup ordered.
"Hiccup..." Astrid started.

The riders moved out and tried to get their dragons out. The Death Song fires its amber at them, trapping all but Hiccup and Astrid.

"What... I can't move! I'm totally stuck!" Fishlegs exclaimed.
"Me, too. I can't believe that thing got me. I'm usually so limber," Snotlout said.
"Yeah? Well, at least you got your own cocoon," Tuff shouted.
"Oh, yeah, like this is a picnic for me," Ruff said and their cocoon tumbles down to the ground
"I'm fine," Tuff said.

The Death Song flew in the direction Hiccup. Astrid runs over.

"Hiccup, it's come for you!" she said pushing him out of the way, letting herself get hit.
"Astrid!" Hiccup shouted before running.

"He just left us," Ruff said.
"Yeah, we're probably gonna die on this island," Tuff added.
"Oh, will you two idiots be quiet for five minutes or I'll send you to Valhalla personally," Astrid said.

A few minutes later

"Uhh! Where's Hiccup?! I knew he'd leave us! I have to pee," Snotlout whined.
"He didn't leave us. He'll be back. If I could just reach my knife," Astrid said.
"It wouldn't matter, Astrid. Whatever this is, it's really strong. I don't think we can cut through it," Fishlegs explained.
"If we can't cut it, then how do we get out of here?" Snotlout asked.
"Yeah, you can't tell me that my last breath is gonna be inhaling her stinky fish hair," Tuff said.
"Oh, yeah, that's real original. You know what? I hope it eats you first. At least I'll have something cool to watch before I die," Ruff said.
You just stay on your side of the cocoon, Missy," Tuff said. The cocoon tumbled again.
"Whoa! Whoa! What's going on? Do it again!" Tuff exclaimed.

"Okay, so that's a negative on plan A... ramming the cocoon open," Hiccup said on the Thunderdrum.
"Please tell me you have a plan B," Astrid said.
"If it involves cutting, ramming or ripping, you might as well forget it, Hiccup. Once it cools down, this stuff is hard as any rock I've ever seen," Fishlegs explained.
"Cools down?" Hiccup asked.
"And hardens," Fishlegs added.
"Hmm. Nobody move," Hiccup said.
"Oh, yeah, that's funny. A real comedian," Tuff said.
"What did I say earlier?" Astrid said.
"Never mind," Tuff said scared.

Hiccup started spreading Snotlout's Monstrous Nightmare gel all over the cocoons.

"What are you doing, Hiccup?" Snotlout asked.
"Just trust me, Snotlout," Hiccup said.
"Says the man who's about to set me on fire?" Snotlout asked.
"You said it only stings a little," Hiccup said.
"I was lying. You know I'm a liar!" Snotlout exclaimed.
"It'll be okay, Snotlout, I promise," Hiccup said.

The Death Song approaches, looked at Fishlegs and picks up another encased dragon before flying away.

"Aah! Hurry up, Hiccup! He just took the appetizer. I think I'm the main course," Fishlegs said.
"Fishlegs, relax. It could take hours for him to eat that dragon," Ruff said. The Death Song came into view again.
"Or minutes!" Fishlegs exclaimed as the dragon landed in front of him. "Hi, sir."

"Hey, remember us?!" Hiccup shouted.
The Death Song chased after them and they divert it's attention. They fly upwards quickly, them swoop down. Hiccup jumped of the Thunderdrum and lit the Nightmare gel. The amber melts and the riders springs out from it

"Yes! It's working!" Astrid exclaimed as her and Toothless broke free.
"Guys, now's our chance," Hiccup shouted.

All the riders confronted the Death Song, together with the Thunderdrum. Hiccup spots an adolescent Thunderdrum stuck in amber.

It's an adolescent Thunderdrum. No wonder he stuck around. Snotlout, you get the Thunderdrum. I'll handle the Death Song," Hiccup ordered.

"How did Hiccup set us free again?" Snotlout asked.
"Give me that," Astrid said snatching the canteen out of Snotlout's hands and pouring the gel over the cocoon.
"Stormfly, fire."

The dragon escaped and flew with the other riders to meet Hiccup.

"If I were you two, I'd maybe find another island. I don't know how long that's gonna hold," Hiccup said to the Thunderdrums.
"Uh, you know they can't hear you, right?" Tuff asked.
"Yes, Tuff, I know," Hiccup said.

Five minutes later.

Let's get out of here. Hey, gang, I just wanted to say I'm sorry for getting you all into this. If you want to turn back..." Hiccup said.
"Are you kidding?" Tuff asked.
"No way," Ruff said.
"This is the most fun we've had in years," Snotlout said.
"There is one thing we need to do, though. We need an island, our own island," Astrid said.
"Astrid's right, Hiccup. We're way too far out to travel back and forth to Berk," Fishlegs agreed.
"What we need is a base of operations," Hiccup said.
"Exactly. But this time, we don't let the dragons pick it. Sorry, girl, it had to be said," Fishlegs said.
"All right, Snotlout, you're the man of the hour for bringing the Monstrous Nightmare gel. You choose," Hiccup said.
"Seriously?" Snotlout asked.
"Yeah, seriously," Hiccup replied.
"All right! What do you say, Fangster? Ha! Couldn't agree more. Into the great beyond!" Snotlout shouted.
"The great beyond!" The others followed.

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