Three| Fake girlfriend (edited)

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 The next morning I had an early Orientation to my Business class. Surprisingly, it didn't seem incredibly overwhelming just yet, and I silently thanked past me for studying so hard in my free time. Even if I was drunk while doing so... I still retained some of the information.

I didn't start to get ready for the whole "Fake Girlfriend Deal" thing until three pm, I had all I needed except my long black wig. I bought it months ago when I butchered my hair so if I ever needed to impress someone or look overly feminine, I could use it. I personally didn't think hair length dictates femininity, but Riven's parents were most likely old school and wouldn't appreciate my uneven near pixie cut that had started to grow out.

I checked my closet, no wig. Under my bed, no wig.

I needed that stupid thing.

I begin to rush everywhere, panic swelling in my chest. I opened the bathroom door to see if I had washed it and left it in there and forgot. Instead of a wig, I'm met by a yell.

"Someone is in here!"

Before I can shut my eyes out of terror and respect, I make out Riven at the sink with a towel around his waist, my eyes are drawn to a stark color difference of his legs and how one is extremely shiny.

I squint and nearly gasp. No wonder it looks different, It's a prosthetic.

It's not like it changed anything, I knew people with various disabilities growing up, even met a few in my therapy group. That's not what bothered me. But knowing Riven had been hurt, it made me think differently of him, he went through something, something that was none of my business- it was bound to be hard.

It made me wonder how much of his personality was a trauma response.

"Sorry!" I slam the door shut and lean back against it with a huff, my chest heaving. I felt like I could puke, tasting breakfast rising up in my throat. Would he yell at me? What if he was self conscious and I just made it worse? I don't want to make him as uncomfortable as I feel.

I busy myself by changing into the dress, grimacing at how short it was, and slid on the heels. I did my makeup with sheer adrenaline, and eventually found my wig shoved in the bottom of a moving box next to the door. I brushed it out for five minutes before sliding it on and staring in the mirror.

I liked dresses, just not on me. They were so pretty on other girls and I wish I could be the girl who wore pretty sundresses daily. But my anxiety would not allow for that.

This dress was far too mature for what I liked. It amplified my hips, pulled attention to my butt and my boobs. I looked... Like an adult.

I don't like it.

The wig looked realistic and went down to my belly button, straight satiny black hair that matched my dark brown eyes and tanned skin. I looked like a far more confident version of myself. The woman I wanted to be eventually.

Riven stepped out of the bathroom in black slacks and no shirt, walking to his bed to grab it. He laughs weakly, "Sorry about that, I forgot to lock the door."

He wasn't angry at me? He wasn't gonna yell or curse me?

It felt like he should at least be a little bit mad at me.

"No! I'm - I'm sorry, I didn't mean mak-to make you uncomfortable or something." I looked down at my short and chewed nails for a moment, praying to cease to exist.

Riven ran a hand through his damp hair and smiled at me, "You look really nice."

"I look like something alright."

The fake girlfriend deal. ||BEING HEAVILY EDITED||Where stories live. Discover now