28-Parents (edited)

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          I lay on the couch watching some stupid news show while Riven showered to get ready for his appointment at a 'rage room'. We had plenty of plans for today thanks to watching Bianca give her speech at school a few weeks ago-I was now ready to tell my parents everything I'd been through and attempt to start a relationship again. They knew the basics. They knew about Austin. But not his friends, they didn't know I was dating Riven, and honestly they didn't need to know- but I wanted to be able to own this. 

              Which meant once Riven got back, we'd go straight to my parents' house, a four-hour drive and we'd also be running the risk of bumping into Austin and running the risk of Riven killing him.

          "You alright? You look dazed."   Riven walked into the living room with jeans on and no shirt, his tattoos in full view as he glanced in a mirror at his slightly grown out hair, its just long enough to begin taking on waves and it's precious.

"I need to get a haircut on my way back."   He sighed, sitting down on the couch and propping my feet in his lap, "You look worried."

             I let a loud and nervous sigh out as his warm hands rubbed gently up my legs, "I'm just anxious about talking to my parents tonight."

       His warm brown eyes scanned over me, my gray sweatshirt and white shorts before a huge smirk formed on his face, "I'll be by your side the whole time...."  He leaned over my body and planted a warm kiss on my lips, "And I'll restrain myself from murdering anyone."

      I glanced around the clean living room, the white walls, dark floor and white carpet, before looking back at Hunter-who was tanned from the beach, his dark wavy hair and dark brown eyes instantly melting my heart...Especially that cute dimple.

  "How's your leg feeling?"  He had a fitness test yesterday that lasted most of the day and once he got home last night he yanked his prosthetic off and iced his leg, he still had a bit of an add walk today, but it didn't look terrible."

   Riven smiled softly, a small blush forming. "You don't gotta worry about me."

 "But I do. So answer."

   "It's sore, just muscle fatigue though, nothing I can't handle." Riven pats my knee and stood up slowly, "I better go."

 "Fine but can I just stay here all day and sulk before I have to go? I don't feel like adulting today."

Another chuckle escaped his warm soft lips as he leaned down to kiss me once more, "Okay, Well I'm going to go smash stuff and break stuff."

   "Don't hurt your knuckles!"   I hollered back as he tossed a shirt on and ran to the door.

"Trust me- my knuckles are the least of my worries!"


       I drove down the road at 80 miles an hour- my hands shaking from the adrenaline, the excitement and anxiety of what's to come...I'm going to let all my rage and hurt out since before the rehab place, and part of me is terrified I'm going to slip into old habits.

  Old habits- which consist of drinking till I'm almost dead- smoking like crazy- harming and more...And I can't do that to myself anymore...I've also cut back majorly on the drinking and have cut smoking down to two cigs a day and outside of the apartment so the smell wouldn't bother Yuna, she had too much on her plate and I'm not going to add to it.

       Once inside the building and reconfirming my appointment time, They lead me to a room that was built like a gigantic living room with a steel door that locked once I was inside. A couch, TV, Fireplace, a glass coffee table and an old laptop, plus a box of dishes to smash and a red metal bat...I took one last look at my phone-A text from Hayes once more.

Apparently, he had a job offer out in LA and would be leaving shortly, Bianca was pushing him to do this, but he was miserable about leaving her- same with how I felt when I had to leave Yuna and go to rehab, I assume.

Once that was done, I slipped my phone into my back pocket and shut the door behind me, picking the bat up and swinging it in the air as a test a few times. In the corner of the room lay a metal crowbar as well so I decided to set the bat aside and use the crowbar once I put my goggles on.

   I thought about my life...My parents never failing to tell me what a disappointing person I was, my brother saying he loved me-protected me and gained my trust and then just left in the middle of the night...No word-knowing good and well how emotionally abusive that household was.

                          He left me, Left Madison ...Left us to face our parents' wrath.

With that I smashed the TV with the crowbar as hard as possible and a large crack formed in the screen... It didn't completely shatter because a) That only happens in movies and b) TV's are actually hard to completely break.

 Therefore, I spent most of my energy breaking and smashing the damn TV screen first before wiping a layer of sweat from my forehead and moving to the old laptop.

       I tossed the crowbar on the couch and picked the laptop up,  Marc never cared...It was a lie...I couldn't protect Yuna , she had been through hell growing up...Bianca was hurt and I couldn't save her either, I never protected Hayes from his dad - With that I opened the laptop and bent it the wrong way using every bit of hatred and guilt and shame in my body- pushing it into energy until the laptop snapped in two.

       Then I threw the broken computer onto the coffee table and took the crowbar-smashing it to pieces as the loud blood curdling shatter of it filled the air.

 I grew up my whole life feeling worthless- my own parents didn't love me so who could? No one...I was unlovable.

 Before I knew it I had dropped to my knees with tears welling up in my eyes, hot boiling tears that had been held back for too long. Not even three minutes pass and I'm on all fours with the tears filling up my goggles I was wearing.


              Riven looked...Refreshed when he came home, sure he was drenched in sweat and his eyes were bloodshot from tears-but he had this new confidence in the way he walked, he didn't look cocky-it wasn't that type of confidence...More of a -I finally forgive myself and no longer blame myself for things I've been through.

              Once he walked in, I walked over to him, abandoning my array of makeup (waterproof) and lean up on my tiptoes to kiss him. Riven's arms sneak around my waist and he lifts me up, breathing heavily and letting his lips collide into mine.  He lifts me just a little bit off of the ground, smiling against my lips. "I did it."

   "I'm proud of you."

"Now it's time for you to seize the day." 

    Makeup-Clean clothes and a four-hour drive later and here I am... Sitting in my parents' living room drinking hot tea as my father prepares dinner...My mother's eye catching on the tattoos sprawling across Riven's arms. It was hot today, so we both wore short sleeves. 

 Photos of my brother are scattered along the walls, photos of us hugging, photos of our childhood. One photo of us smiling on a swing set had been taken just a week before Austin happened. Looking at it made my heart ache...The girl in that photo had no clue how horrible her life was going to get...Nor how amazing it'd be once she met her stinky arrogant College roommate.

           Riven sat next to me and noticed my uneasiness as my mother left to help dad with dinner, he slipped his large warm hand around mine and gave me a reassuring nod...Now it was time to tell my parents everything.


A/N: How do you think this whole parent talk will go? 

Vote,Comment,Recommend! <3 

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