Seven| Saturday morning. (edited)

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      Yuna passed out in her makeup and clothes last night. We stayed up until two am just talking about anything and nothing. I still don't know anything about her except that she's Japanese and her parents live a long ways away.

She didn't wake up first, which is odd, and I'm wondering if she's okay because she did seem really jittery after the party. She puked twice and didn't quit shaking until she fell asleep.

I somehow woke up at six am for once in my life. There was no hangover this time, thank God. Maybe I should dial it back on the drinking, it really is nice to feel somewhat human when I wake up.

My eyes search the room and land on Yuna, bundled up in a ball, one leg sticking out from under her blankets, razor burn all up her shin. She's an enigma, she talks a lot and says nothing at the same time. She yearns to be with people, yet wants to be alone.

Who is this girl?

I start with the simple stuff, I know her last name because it's written on her notebook, I type it in on facebook and right as I find a possible account, Yuna yawns and groans.

I slam the laptop shut and lock it, watching her stretch like a cat and groan, smacking her lips. She sits up and stares at me.

"Yikes." I chuckle at the black eyeshadow smeared all around her eyes and down to her cheeks like a panda bear, it was kinda cute.

Yuna bites down on her lip and pushes off of the bed with a shy, "Shut up." She was adorable, even when angry. Her tiny nose scrunches up and her straight eyebrows curve down and knit together.

She looked perfect in my jacket last night, and suddenly I'm imagining her in my clothes after a lunch date.

Would she even agree to something like that?

There's only one way to find out.

Yuna slips into the bathroom and I jar out of bed, grabbing the cleanest gray shirt I can find. I slip on my prosthetic and try not to screech when it rips open a wound on my thigh. It was icy outside so crutches were a no go.

I reached for my cologne then paused, Yuna said it made her eyes red. I don't spray it, shoving the bottle under my bed.

Not too long later, Yuna exits the bathroom in a white fleece robe and wet sopping hair. It was starting to fray out at the ends, shiny and black and barely touching her chin.

She's staring at me, she's staring at me and I'm stuck gawking at her hair.

"So um-" I clear my throat and pray I don't sound hopeful at all right now. "I have a gift card to this steak house downtown... Wanna come with?"

I think my heart is gonna rip through my skin and lurch out of my chest. Yuna's mouth parts and something flashes in her eyes. Fear. No. Why would she be afraid of me?

"A date?" She asks and puts on a convincing poker face, it doesn't help my heart rate at all.

I'm so desperate, it's not a good look for me.

"I mean-" I rub my neck again and turn to my bed, making it up just to have some busy work. "That's usually what you call people going out to eat together... You want free food or no?"

"Sure, but... I don't want any physical contact today. I don't want you on me. No offense."

Cool so she hates my guts. Why did I even ask? Why did I assume she would care? I need to make up for how pathetic I look right now.

The fake girlfriend deal. ||BEING HEAVILY EDITED||Where stories live. Discover now