Twenty one~Bianca. (Edited)

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                  Riven doesn't seem to sleep too well, he tosses and turns most of the night, and that alone wakes me up. I do get a few hours in thankfully, and when I wake up for work he whines and hangs onto my waist like a child. I've never seen such an intimidating man be reduced to whines and pleas like this. It's nice to know I have that kind of power. 

          Work is... Work. I make through the day without any issues, I didn't particularly enjoy having to talk to so many people, but no one yelled at me over their order so all's well ends well. 

   After work I go back to the apartment I pass out in bed while Riven works out downstairs. I probably should join him, I should begin working out again, especially since I told Diamond I'd join the dance team- I'd need more endurance. But not today. 

    I'm unsure of how long I'm out, but when I wake up from my nap, I can hear Riven speaking to someone in the living room, I'm not proud to admit it, but I do eavesdrop. 

   "I don't know man, you said Yuna listens to you and understands right?" I hear Hayes' voice, it was shaking like he was frustrated.

           "Yeah... Talking to her makes me feel better almost instantly." I smile as my ear is pressed against the bedroom door, Riven's confession made me feel all warm as I grinned like an idiot.

"I want to help but I'm screwed up myself, I think Bianca would be better off talking to a girl instead of me."    

        "Okay hold on," I hear Riven stand up, his footsteps getting louder as he walks down the hallway- nearing the room.

     Before I can get away from the door, he's already opening it, and I feel my cheeks heat up because I've been caught listening in on the conversation. Riven notices this, but doesn't comment on it. He laughs, perfect teeth on display.

   "So, you've heard Bianca is going through a rough patch."

          "I I-only heard the last thirty seconds um..."         

  Riven gently takes my hand, rubbing the back of it.  "Relax, Yunes, it's fine. But come on, Hayes needs some advice right now."

   We walk out into the living room and Riven doesn't mention that I've just invaded their privacy by listening to their conversation. Hayes doesn't seem to flinch at my arrival.

       "Hey Yuna ..I need to ask a favor." Hayes whispered as he set his eyes on me, messy hair and all.

                  "What is it?" I act dumb while sitting in the recliner.

   "Bianca's not doing that great, she's told me about her past and that kind of stuff but she won't let me help her, she keeps these rubber bands on her wrist and she pops them until welts appear and she's been having flashbacks...You seem like an understanding person so I was wondering if you could talk to her?" 

         Hayes sounded desperate as he said this, like he was at his wit's end. "I can't take seeing her struggle, but whenever I try to help, I only make it worse."

 "Yeah, I'll talk to her, where is she at?"  I nod eagerly, ready to help.

          After I got dressed in new clean clothes and put on some concealer and mascara, pinning my longer hairs back with bobby pins, Riven and I got in Hayes' truck, ready to ride over to Bianca's.

   While sitting squished in the middle as this truck didn't have a back seat, I watched the trees and buildings passing by-my mind wandering to different places, thinking of ways to help everyone, I'm stiff and trying not to brush against Hayes' leg, Riven lets me lean more on him and I finally relax. All I can think about is how Riven obviously needs more help with drinking, as does Hayes, and who knows what Bianca needs...Everyone's just dealing with their own demons right now and it seems as if no one can get a break.

The fake girlfriend deal. ||BEING HEAVILY EDITED||Where stories live. Discover now