Eight| Potential. (Edited)

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        "I'm gonna pay." I shake my head when Yuna goes for her wallet after we picked out seats for a new spider man movie. I'm all for action, and she apparently really likes Tom Holland.

   "No, you paid for lunch." She pursed her lips together and pulled out a twenty.

"With a gift card from my friend." I corrected.

"You can get the drinks and I'll get tickets."

   I obliged by that request and went to grab us two large sodas, which cost just as much as the tickets did. I swear, the snack industry in movies is ridiculous.

    There's thirty minutes of previews before the movie, and I spend the time deep in thought. The book Yuna was reading at the library that day... it was about sexual assault and coping with it. I didn't want to pry, and I still don't feel like it's okay to ask, but I can't help the curiosity, wanting to know what happened, if the person is still around, if Yuna got her justice.

  It made a lot of sense now, why she didn't like crowds or drinking or seemed leery of me. And even though I could make sense of some of her habits or antics, it still aches to know she can't trust me. Not for me, but... how hard is it to not be able to trust anyone at all? To never feel safe, even when you're sleeping?

  I'm beginning to wonder if I should move back to my apartment full time so she can feel safe in her dorm.

     The movie is decent, I have no problems with it, or seeing Yuna gawk over Tom Holland again. But I didn't pay much attention to the plot as I thought over what little I know about Yuna, and really, what little she knows about me.

         "I swear it sounded like the sound effects echoed around my head." Yuna laughs when we get back to the car. The parking lot is icing over even more as the day goes on and I'm really getting tired of walking.

       Music softly plays from my radio while I watch for black ice on the road, Yuna falls asleep after a few moments and we're still an hour away from campus so I take in the moment.

Snow is falling down in heaps, my wipers can't clear my windshield fast enough, I'm starting to wonder if we'll even make it back in time. Be my mistake by the 1975 is echoing through the car while Yuna's sleepy breaths lul my heart into slowing.

     She sleeps for only ten minutes before her hands clench at her abdomen and she jerks awake as if from a nightmare. There's a flash of confusion and then recognition, she smiles at me with red cheeks and stretches her arms in front of her with a croaky groan.

   "With this weather it'll be nearly two hours before we get back." I sigh, all I can see through the whiteness are thousands of red brake lights. The road must be shut down, and it's four miles til the next exit.

  "We have enough gas right?"

"Yeah." I still had over three quarters of a tank, the heater worked and I had blankets in the back. It would be fine.

  Yuna adjusts the vents to blow on her legs and she hums "how should we pass the time?"
I don't bother to hide the half smile on my face. "Wanna trade secrets?"

  "Do I get to pick which secrets of mine to share?" She asked hesitantly.

"Of course." I wasn't just gonna ask for her most traumatic memories. "Let's start off slow. Did you have any pets as a kid?"

    That brings a smile on her face. The traffic is completely stopped so I have the chance to look and actually take her in.

"I had two gerbils named Sherlock and Watson when I was five. Then when they passed my brother and I got a snake named rocky."

The fake girlfriend deal. ||BEING HEAVILY EDITED||Where stories live. Discover now