Twenty two-Fights (edited!)

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    The drive took longer than expected, so around ten pm, we all stopped at a restaurant to get something to eat when I noticed something weird...The same car had been following Hayes' truck the whole ride. Hayes parked next to us with his window down and I could hear him cursing softly.

   "This shit again." Hayes muttered to himself.

          "Who is that?"  I pointed to the silver car just as Hayes hopped out of his truck, rage in his face.

  "Oh shit." Riven gives me an apologetic look, "I gotta help him."  He runs out and makes it to Hayes' side. 

  "Is that Michael?" I had gotten out of the car as fast as possible, running to Hayes' truck to speak with Bianca. 

"Y-yes." Her eyes were filled with pure fear,  this was really happening. Wow. My hands tremble as I take her hand and try to get her inside the restaurant. 

   Somehow, Michael managed to push through the boys and get right in front of Bianca, in her face. My heart lurches into my throat when I see his eyes, his pupils dilate when he looks at her, he enjoys this. His sick brain gets off on it. 

"Why you tryna' run princess?" He was inches from her and Bianca began to hold her breath, trying to hide her fear. 

"I hate you." she hissed, voice wobbling slightly when Michael began laughing, shoving her backwards, her head slamming into the concrete.

 While I leaned down to check for a pulse, I could hear Riven whisper to Hayes,    "Kill the Asshole, I'll help." 

This was the one time I wouldn't mind Riven almost killing someone, Lord knows Michael deserved it.

"Get Off her!!!!!!"  Hayes screamed like a demon as he shoved Michael backwards, pounding his fist into Michael's face repeatedly. Bianca's eyes slowly flutter open and she moans, hands flying to the side of her head. 

        "Babe... Can you get her inside? I- I don't want you to see this." Riven warned and helped pick Bianca up while Hayes continued beating the bloody pulp that was Michael. 

    Thank God the restaurant wasn't packed, I was able to find a seat in a small waiting area by the front host area. A staff member's face pales when she sees Bianca. Her name tag says "Elizabeth."

"I'll go get a damp towel."  Elizabeth ran off just as I set Bianca's head on my lap.

     "What happened?"  She questioned once she came back, handing me the towel.

 "Angry Ex." I whisper, not wanting to air out Bianca's trauma to a stranger. I glance out the window and decide that you know what? Screw this. I was tired of hiding and running while someone else did things for me. 

  I turn to the woman and smile, "could you watch her for just a second while I check on something?"


     Hayes had to stop after a few minutes to regain his breath, Michael's face looked like a swollen bloody and discolored mess yet he didn't give up. Guy just couldn't surrender. Right as Hayes stopped, Michael limped over to him, drawing back for a punch, he could still pack a punch too, it was so strong, Hayes began stumbling backwards.

"Oh Hell no."  No one hurts my brother...Hayes was closer to family than my real older brother, Hayes was my brother, I'd do anything to protect him as well.

    So, Once I managed to land about five punches and shake my sore and bloody  hand out, Hayes managed to gain his composure, chuckling, "Thanks."  

The fake girlfriend deal. ||BEING HEAVILY EDITED||Where stories live. Discover now