Seventeen~Ripped apart. (Edited!)

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      Yuna was sleeping when Riven got the phone call. He couldn't even have one happy Christmas without his parents getting involved and blowing everything to ruin. Apparently, they were "Worried about his addicton" And got a Judge to sign papers for him to go to a rehab facility. Inpatient. Riven couldn't fight it due to his record of "Wrecking while under the influence."

 "What?! I'm an adult, you can't force me." Riven tried his best not to yell over the phone and wake Yuna, but it was proving to be a difficult task. 

        "Well..." His mother scoffs, "We know a judge and he agreed you don't know what's best for you, so you're going. The rehab facility is sending someone to pick you up tonight."

 " I hate you."  His hands trembled, itching for something to collide with and ruin. He glanced at his reflection shortly, his hair was shaved to a buzz cut and he was wearing a muscle tank, exposing his arms covered in ink. Riven's eyes were filled with pure hatred, it makes his heart lurch with fear. He didn't recognize who he was. 

 Before all rational thought kicked in, his fist collided with his reflection, glass shattering and shards flying, pain searing through his knuckles and radiating up his arm, but Riven's emotions were temporarily numbed...Finally, some relief.


 D*mn it. 

 Riven sat on the side of the bed, back to the door and Yuna. He could hear her light footsteps as she approached. 

"Careful, there's glass." He warns, his cut and bloody hand lying limp in his lap.

        In one swift motion, Yuna jumped over the mess and landed on the bed, making it bend and dip down. Riven's chest squeezes, all she did to avoid getting hurt by the mess he made.

 "Why did you do that?" Her voice was small, quiet and soft, like a melody to his ears. 

  "It got to be too much."  He gulped. They wanted to go on vacation together, and now what? Rehab? Yuna would certainly run away now. This was too much for Riven on a good day, there's no way she could handle this.

         "What happened...Leading up to this?" Yuna took his hand gently and examined the cuts with wide eyes. Her touch was beyond gentle, too gentle, Riven needed something to hurt right now. 

     "My mother called...I'm getting picked up tonight to go to rehab." There's no longer any emotion in his voice. 

 "They can't do that! You're 21, an adult!"

                       "They know a judge... And besides, with my record- It doesn't matter now."

"How long?"  She says with her voice wobbling and shaking, Riven couldn't look at her, he stared at the floor, at the glass and his shattered reflection staring back up at him. 

 "Six weeks." It wasn't the end of the world, Riven could survive it, but it wasn't that. It's the fact that this is more proof that no matter how far he gets away, no matter how happy he is, his family will always be able to snap him back. He will forever be their pawn. 

             "That's crazy! Six whole weeks?! Christmas is only 4 weeks away, they can't force you to stay over Christmas!"  Yuna's voice raised higher and higher.

"It doesn't matter anymore...Don't freak out about it."  Riven hissed, leaning back to lay down, hands pressed against his forehead.

          "By the looks of your hand, I'd say you definitely freaked out." She said, jumping up and running to the bathroom, looking for a first aid kit.

The fake girlfriend deal. ||BEING HEAVILY EDITED||Where stories live. Discover now