Eleven.| Trust me? (edited)

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        "I'm sorry for scaring you, it was stupid." I whisper on the drive back to our dorm. Riven had finally calmed down, wiped his eyes, and was driving us back, careful to avoid the icy patches on the road.

"I mean- I broke down like a child so I'd say we're pretty even." He shrugged, his right hand going down to rub his leg.

"Not like a child, it seems like no one cared about how the accident hurt you." I brushed my hair behind my ears and cringed at how greasy it felt. "I'm really sorry Riven."

Every time he talked about it, I wanted to just apologize with every breath in my lungs. It wasn't even my fault, but seeing how it's affected him makes me want to hug him and cry and it's making my chest hurt and my throat burn and my eyes sting.

"I mean, it's easier to push it away and forget it." He laughed and pulled into a parking space just outside of our complex.

"Do you ever really forget about it?" I grab my hat and slide it back on, getting out and locking the car doors with Riven right behind me.

He laughs, it sounds nice. "Can we not analyze my trauma for today?"

"But it's so fun." I open the door for us both and let the weight roll off of my shoulders. I have to work in three hours, at least it's something to distract me, something to keep me calm.

Fall break would start next week, we'd be able to get plane tickets and fly out to see my parents and maybe Riven would get to spend his week with a family that cares.

Maybe it would even help my parents. They would finally have another son figure around the house again, dad would have a guy to talk to about all of his antics.

Riven would have to wear shirts to cover up his tattoos though.

"I'll cover the plane tickets, it's the least I can do." Riven sat down at his desk and pulled his prosthetic off with a groan.

"Get that thing refitted too, tomorrow." I order like I'm his mother.

"Yes mom." He mock salutes me and leans back in his seat, turning his laptop on and typing away.

Work was hectic.

I think in my first ten minutes I took orders for twenty two people. One after another just whizzing by and demanding their evening coffee before undoubtedly pulling an all nighter to study for upcoming midterms.

Thankfully I was just the cashier, I didn't have to start making the drinks until after break, when I could have more experience under my belt.

My hands and fingers ache from typing and writing so much, my head is pounding from the noise, but I feel free.

I was able to actually work a whole shift and talk to people and exist without shutting down or feeling stupid.

If only everyday could feel like this.

I'm in my last ten minutes when Diamond strolls in, red striped sweater and tiger print leggings on. She's tugging a whole backpack the size of her abdomen in.

"Girl- I swear this day can not get worse." She thuds her backpack down at a nearby table and orders a caramel latte with extra sugar.

"What happened since we last spoke?" I lean over the counter and offer her a shoulder. She left me this morning when Riven came by, at the statue. She said something about a professor needing to speak with her.

"Professor Craig said I'm doing too good in his class and I'll need to be boosted to an honors class, except I know for a fact I'm not at that level, and it's gonna make me struggle. I'll be making a C average in that class, but he's said I'm not 'challenged enough' in his class so... There's really nothing I can do."

The fake girlfriend deal. ||BEING HEAVILY EDITED||Where stories live. Discover now