34| 6 Months Later. (edited)

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                   "Are you sure you're ready for this?" Jason, my boss had asked me earlier this week. After shadowing as a criminal profiler, I began to shadow other professions and ended up in one that was a mix of sorts. I still did criminal profiling, but I was out in the field much more, actually actively helping to detain the suspects. 

  It meant multiple physicals, multiple fitness tests, new prosthesis fittings, and a lot of swearing and pain. But after six months, I was cleared to start my first day.

     I'm in California, trying to track down and arrest a known pedophile and a famous man in the children trafficking ring. We tracked him down to an apartment complex, but just as we entered the building, he was on the run.

          My adrenaline rushed so loudly in my ears, but instead of being on edge and frantic, I was calm. Maybe my constant moods as a teenager helped me grow accustomed to the adrenaline. It didn't send me into a spiral like it did with others, no. It calmed me, helped me focus, helped me actually pay attention to detail and do what was needed. 

   Three hours later, our mission was a success, and I went over to my desk and finished the last bit of paperwork just as Jason walked over to me, a smug grin on his face.

 "Six months of work paid off Son, you've just completed your first job on the task force- you ought to be proud."   He extended his tan hand out to me and shook my hand. I was proud, but I underestimated how vulgar this line of work could be. 

      In order to catch our suspect, we had to interview those who worked for them, and interview some of his victims. One girl, was 8 years old- Madison's age.  While I was gone, Madison turned 8 and I had to miss her barbie themed party. Marc was there for her and while I was jealous that he got to see her, and I didn't... I'm still glad she at least had a brother there for her.

    I face time her every two days and Yuna watches her during the weekends so my parents can do whatever they want to. I called Yuna every night and listened to her sweet voice. I missed her. This job- shows you the evil side of people and the only person that can restore my faith in humanity is Yuna , the fact that I haven't seen her in person for 5 months- hurts. 

  However- we love each other so much that we've made it work. And now that this case is over, I'll be headed home by the end of the week. I'll have a small bit of time off, then it'll be back to work again. 

        "Riven? You okay?"   Jason's voice and scrutinizing facial expression brings me back to my reality. That I'm in California- Over 3 thousand miles from home, and I'm sitting in front of a computer screen where I have to make a report on all the heinous things our suspect has done, Rape, Murder, torture and trafficking of minors... It's all heavy and laying on my shoulders.

  "Just a little overwhelmed."  I nodded, exiting out of the computer and directing my attention to the gray haired man I've come to know as my boss for this mission.

 He nodding, an empathetic look crossing his face, "The first job is always the hardest- working in this profession and learning what happens to such innocent kids... It's never easy."

        I groaned, rubbing my hands over my face, "I have a sister, same age as some of the girls in this case."

     "It hits too close to home sometimes." Jason nodded, "Well! At least it's over, the scumbag is going to prison and you can head home on Tuesday, just grab your things and enjoy your Friday night yeah?" 

    I nodded and Jason bid me a goodbye, I boxed up most of my stuff- most of it would be sent to the FBI anyways so I didn't really have much to take with me besides some pictures I had sitting on my desk, I was out and back in my apartment by 8 pm, where I picked up my phone and dialed the one person I needed to talk to most.

The fake girlfriend deal. ||BEING HEAVILY EDITED||Where stories live. Discover now