Ten| Lost cause. (edited)

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      (RIVEN POV)

It's nearly seven am when I get back to the dorm, I'm expecting to see Yuna asleep, or at her desk studying. I don't expect to see her side of the room tidied up, her backpack missing, phone missing and wallet gone.

"Yuna?" That's exactly how I found the room though.

I crutch inside, stinking of gasoline thanks to Hayes spilling some on me when he came to rescue me.

On my pillow is a blue post it note with swooping letters sprawled across.

"I shouldn't have burdened you with my problems, I'm sorry."

Leave it to Yuna to be just vague enough to give me a friggin heart attack.

No. She can't be gone. Where would she be? Why is half her stuff gone?

I grab my phone and go to her Facebook, finding her friend Diamond and sending her a message asking if she knows anything at all. I certainly can't sleep like this.

There's a knock on my door only two minutes later, behind it is a tall curvy woman with shaved teal hair, dressed in leopard pajama pants and a pink sweater. "I'm Diamond." She pushes past me, nearly knocking me back.

"Did you hear anything from her?" I sit on my bed and grab my prosthetic out from under it, forcing it on even though I'm still swollen and it feels like five million fire ants stinging me.

"She told me something about seeing her brother again, but his grave is five states over."

"Does she have a car?" Would she really just up and leave in the night to go five states over?

"Yeah but the stupid thing doesn't start half the time, timing chain is screwed." She shook her head, "She can't afford a plane ticket either, she's spent all her money on a new therapist."

Where else does that leave? This is Yuna, she may be sweet and kind but anyone could tell she had the ability to be very dangerous to herself, I don't want to be the reason she gets hurt, if speaking to me brought up anything and she does something-

"Liam's grave is too far, so I'm not sure where else that leaves."

That name.

"Liam... Norishi?" I rub my face and perk up, grabbing my phone again.

"Yeah, why? You know him?"

No, but the capital in Virginia made a memorial for teens killed in car accidents, part of some program to cut down the amount of teenage deaths. It's the third leading cause of us dying, and Liam's name was on that memorial, alongside a photo of him.

"Hello?" Diamond claps her hands whilst pacing the floor, "Wanna let me in on your little theory?"

I grab a cleaner jacket and change into it, motioning for Diamond to follow me, "I know where she is."

"Can we at least take my car? If yours smells like you do right now-"

"Yeah yeah, where is it?" I wave her off with a scowl, at least she cares about Yuna.

Once in her car, we make it out to the highway and she pulls her GPS up, typing in the location I give her, it's two hours away, so we should settle in.

I don't know how to, though. I'm texting Yuna repeatedly and getting no answers.

"She texted me around midnight, think she really spent most of the night out there?"

The fake girlfriend deal. ||BEING HEAVILY EDITED||Where stories live. Discover now