30| A Tale Of Two Friends. (edited!)

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                "Are you positive you're ready to do this?"   I double check with Riven, tonight was the night he would be handing his parents and his brother the letters he wrote. His mother and father agreed to host dinner and Marc agreed to come, but recently Riven's mother called saying Marc was bringing a friend... Something that was putting Riven on edge since he didn't know who this friend was.

         Riven steps into the living room as he fixes his tie, his brown hair shaved (again) and in place as always as his jaw remained clean of scruff and hair. His eyes were transfixed on mine as he smirked.

 "I won't be able to focus with you in that dress."    I look down to my white long sleeve lace dress, it stopped shortly above my knee and my silver flats matched, my hair in loose curls. I didn't look like a bombshell, but I will admit this was one of my best looks, and it was obvious Hunter had a hard time restraining himself.

  This is my first time in months wearing such a .... Fitting dress. But I didn't feel as sick to my stomach as usual this time. My hair was now brushing just above my shoulders, and I curled it to make it look cohesive and not as choppy from my last trimming job.

     "Shush, we have plenty of time to do stuff afterwards."  I laugh, smiling brightly as Riven shakes his head, chuckling himself.

  Riven was tucking his envelopes away in his pocket when I caught glimpse of another, with my name written in cursive across the front, clear as day.


"What's that one?"  I ask, pointing to the envelope just as Riven puts it in the drawer of our coffee table. He shook his head with a frown before walking over to me.

           "It's a letter I'm working on."   He smirked, placing his hands on my cheeks as he added, "And you're not allowed to read it until I say so." 

        He planted a firm kiss on my lips before stepping back and looking over his outfit once more, "We ready?"

      In the car, Riven selected a song on the radio, watching me with hopeful eyes as 'Cold Coffee' began to play. 

     "Trying to set the mood Mr. Morrow?" I smiled, asking him as he turned the radio louder.

"Just playing a song." He shrugged, looking over to me before smiling even wider.

      "Sounds like you're trying to tell me something, but having Ed say it for you."

 Riven scratched the back of his neck momentarily,  "Yeah well Ed is a lot better with words."  

       "Is the infamous charmer finally feeling something?"   I asked sarcastically, Riven just letting out a disbelieving laugh.

       A few moments of silence passed and Riven reached over and held onto my hand, rubbing his thumb over my hand. 

 "Riven?"         His gaze remained on the road ahead, but I could see his jaw twitching and clenching tightly.

          "I just.... I'm really happy that you love me and put up with me."  He finally breathed out, looking over to me once more. Smiling even brighter.

    "Trust me, I'm so happy you put up with me too."

  We continued to drive a ways when I finally asked, "Who do you think Marc is bringing?"

"Not. A. Clue." 

                 The friend Marc brought over.... Well it was someone we would have never guessed in a million years that it would be this person. How could Marc even know him?

The fake girlfriend deal. ||BEING HEAVILY EDITED||Where stories live. Discover now