Fourteen-Thanksgiving (edited)

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           (third POV)

                They didn't spend the entire time at Yuna's childhood home. Riven's family requested to see them for Thanksgiving, so after a few days, they got a flight back. Riven had to admit he'd miss it. Once Asahi realized Riven wasn't dating his daughter and wasn't trying to get into her pants, he lightened up. He liked Riven as a person, just not as a potential suitor for his daughter. Riven could understand that, even if it hurt. 

   Back in the dorms, Riven awoke Thanksgiving morning with a soft whine, checking his text messages. "I swear the universe hates me."

     "Me too." Yuna sighs, pulling a brush through her matted hair. "How do Thanksgiving dinners normally go?"

   "Awkward and soooo wrong." 

   Riven was up and showering by noon, wincing every time he had to move his leg.  In the last few days, he'd been wearing his prosthetic again and it had rubbed so many blisters on his leg, the idea of wearing a prosthetic tonight made him frustrated enough to possibly cry.

     "You okay?" Yuna frowns from her desk as Riven winces and crutches out to his bed.

"I don't think I can wear my prosthetic tonight."

   "Okay, don't."

  "You don't get it. They'll be annoyed with me if I don't." He lays back against his bed, pressing his palms into his eyes. 

        His leg was throbbing, he would have to wear the prosthetic, he needed a new one, his parents were gonna be assholes, and all Riven could do was hold his breath and pray it would be over soon. They didn't like any reminder of the accident, and that included him showing up on crutches. He was required to look "normal" every time he came by. He wasn't allowed to just... Do what felt best at the time. 

    Yuna stood up and walked over to Riven, laying down beside him, but being careful to avoid his leg. Her hands take his and she plays with his fingers, kissing each knuckle. "We can leave whenever you want, just say we have to go see my parents."

     "I don't wanna do any of this." Riven whispers, his bottom lip shaking.

 "I'm sorry ." Yuna sighs, kissing his cheeks, "We're gonna be okay."

  The little bit of touch gave him the energy he needed to not completely lose it. Yuna seemed more than willing to be his girlfriend for the night again, and now she had experience dealing with his family. 

    The roads were covered in snow and not yet salted, Riven went as slow as physically possible so as to waste as much possible time of the night before even getting there.

   The gate was open and Elena was standing on the porch just as the two pull up, Riven grits his teeth as he gets out of the car, electric shocks going up to his hip. This would be a long night.

  "Chase. Yuhna."  Elena mispronounces Yuna's name with a sneer.

 "It's Yuna." Riven rolls his eyes, "Mother."

  "You cut your hair." She sneers.

    Yuna walks up to Elena, a small (fake) Sad smile on her face. "Mrs. Morrow, I sincerely apologize for my behavior the other night. It was very wrong of me."

   Elena's face morphs into a tense smile, curling up a bit more than normal, "Lovely. Let's head in. Marc will be here in an hour with Madison."

  "Madison?" Riven questions, "Why is she with Marc?"

  "Ah well, we've decided he and Clarissa can now be her caregiver." 

   Riven shifted his weight, body tense, "Why in the hell? I'm the one doing all that shit for her! I've been watching over her since she was born."

The fake girlfriend deal. ||BEING HEAVILY EDITED||Where stories live. Discover now