23- Finally A Vacation. (Edited)

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                   Due to being used to getting up at 6 for classes, my body naturally woke me up before everyone else. I didn't mind it, Yuna was turned on her left side, her back to me as she breathes quietly and steadily, still in a deep sleep. It's a sight I would never get tired of. 

She looked so gorgeous, Her messy hair laying in every which of way, it's getting even longer now, just below her chin. I wonder if she will cut it again or let it grow. She looks stunning both ways. She would occasionally sigh loudly in her sleep but for the most part, she was silent. Sounds of the ocean and the wind filled the room, light from the sunrise making the room light up in the most aesthetically pleasing shade of orange.

          I rolled to my left side, eyes scanning over Yuna's body, her curves only covered by one of my thin t shirts and her underwear. She'd gotten better at eating and was beginning to put on a little bit of weight. Somehow she looked beautiful no matter her size, and seeing her in my clothes now,  I would be lying if I said I wasn't slightly turned on, but I know Yuna wasn't in the right head space for sex, and my anger began to boil over when I realize this was the body Austin had violated. My girlfriend.

   It still would matter even if I didn't know her. How some men could just feel so entitled to do these heinous things- I didn't get it. 

    And then there was Michael. I may not be close with Bianca, but I know she's important to Hayes, she's probably the only person keeping him from seriously hurting himself. And the fact that she was still a good person, who had been hurt by the scum of the earth.

 Just thinking about it made me want to punch something, but just as I needed it the most, like she could sense it, Yuna rolled over, her eyelids heavy and filled with exhaustion.

I loved those eyes, there wasn't just one color to describe them, they were a swirl of gold, hazel, black and deep gray. 

       She was everything opposite of me, slow to anger, forgiving, gorgeous and kind...She was the water to my flame, knowing when to put me out and calm me down.

"Whatcha thinking about?"  She smiled as she laid her head on her arm, biting her bottom lip.

      "How much I want to kiss you."  I'm slightly honest, still holding back on everything else I want to do with her.

     Yuna  began to giggle and rolled over, straddling me and trapping me between her legs..Oh good God.  She swept her hair out of her eyes and leaned down, hands on each side of my face and gently meeting my lips with hers.   

 Her mouth began to open up, mine following, I had gotten so used to her lips and it felt like our mouths were two perfectly fitting puzzle pieces, yet I couldn't help slide my hands under her shirt, feeling her smooth and cool skin.

         My rough and callous hands trailed down her spine and hips, down her curves, causing her to let out a satisfied whimper as her hands moved to my neck, tracing the veins that were beginning to bulge outward.

      "Riven."  I never thought hearing a girl whisper my name could be so hot, making the hairs all over me raise up as goosebumps formed on my arms.

We had just gotten to kissing each other's necks when a loud sound erupted from the kitchen, immediately causing Yuna  to jump off of me, running to find some pants.

    "Stay behind me."  I warn, quietly opening the door while grabbing a knife I had packed earlier.

 I snuck down the stairs halfway with Yuna pressed against my back, her hands placed on me as she breathes shakily.

The fake girlfriend deal. ||BEING HEAVILY EDITED||Where stories live. Discover now