Chapter One

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**Ok i dont know if this will be any good, so sorry if it isnt.....I had to write it because i love 1D******

Zayn pov**

We were on our way back from a show and Niall was asleep on me. I loved that he had fallen asleep on me and i had no idea why. I was all confused.


I stop to sign some autorgraphs so does the rest of the guys. Niall was right next to me talking to a blonde. But they wernt just talking they were flirting. "Your so cute, out of all the guys your my favorite, id like to do some naughty stuff with you,"She whispears the last part in his year but i hear it.

I found myself getting jelous. "can i have your number, love?"Niall asks smirking. "Come on Niall, the limos gonna leave with out us,"I say pulling him away from the girl before he can get her number.

"Zayn,"He whines,"I was about to get her number."  "Oh, sorry mate didnt want to be left behind," i say shrugging. He glares at me before getting into the limo. I follow him in and find my self looking at his butt.

Got Zayn what is your problem, i mentally slap myself. I sit down next to Niall as the rest of the guys climb in. Liam sits next to me while Harry and Louis sit on the other seat sniggling into eachother. No they went gay, Louis was dating Eleanor, and while harry was banging chicks all the time and even had one girl in his sight. None of us were really single. I had perrie, Liam had Danielle, and Niall....well niall had food.


I look back down at Niall in my arms and snuggle into him falling asleep.

Laim pov**

Harry and Louis were asleep in each others arms while Niall was asleep in Zayns arms. It was nothing new except that Zayn kept smiling at sleeping Niall. It was odd but there couldnt be anything more to it. Could there?

When we pull up to the hotel i wake up the guys and climb out. Harry and Louis groan and follow me out. "Our Irish lepercon wont wake up,"Zayn says climbing out with Niall in his arms. "Nandos,"Niall whispears in his sleep.

We all burst out laughing. "I guess hes hungry,"I say. "When isnt he,"Harry mumbles tired. We go inside and Harry crashes right onto the cough falling asleep. Louis snuggles in next to him. Zayn lays Niall on the other couch and also lays next to him. Something was definetly odd.

"Well i guess im going to sleep, since you guys are so lively,"I mutter going upstaris. I get on the phone with Danielle and we talk for hours before i fall asleep.

Niall pov***

When i wake up theres arms wrapped around me. I slowly open my eyes and see Zayn fast asleep. i smile and snuggle into him loving the feeling of his muscly arms wrapped around me. Wait what? Did i really just think that? God whats wrong with me," I mutter before falling asleep again.

"Oi love birds get up,"I hear someone yell and i jump almost falling off the couch. "Shut up mate, just because your jelous, dont mean you have to wake us up,"I hear Harry say from the other couch where hes next to a sleeping Louis.

"Well we have a concert in six hours so get up,"Liam yells. "Fine,"I mumble trying to get up but I'm pulled into Zayn more. I look at him and hes still asleep. "Zayn,"I whisper. He doesn't move. "Zayn"I say louder. He mumbles but dosnt wake up. "ZAYN!"I yell.

"What?"He yells snapping up knocking me off the couch. "Oh sorry mate,"He says smiling sheepishly. "Its time to get up,"I glare at him. He groans but gets up.

He starts to walk away. "Arnt you gonna help me up?"I yell at him. He turns around and helps me up. "Im sorry, dont be mad,"He pleads with puppy dog eyes. I sigh. I cant be mad at him. "fine im not,"I say. "Yay,"He hugs me.

"Zayn. we should proably go eat, im starving,"I say when he hugs me a little to long. "Yeah sorry, we should,"He blushes.

Harry pov**

"I love you Lou,"I say. "Love you too Harry,"Louis says kissing me. "So are we gonna tell everyone after the concert?"He asks when he breaks away from our kiss. "If you want to we can,"I say. "I do, the fans will be so happy, larry is  finally coming out of the closet,"He says.

"I know, im worried about Simon though, 2/5 of one direction is gay,"I say. "Simon will love it becasue hell probaly start getting more money,"Lou laughs. "Yeah proabably,"I laugh. We kiss one last time before heading down staris. We decided to not tell the guys, they could find out at the interview.

***Sorry if its not very good. But give me a chance please. I promise it will get better as it progresses.*******ILY ALL<3

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