Chapter 28(Sad)

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*Ok the last chapter was very sad and this one is too.  if you don't want to be sad then leave right now* Warning: If you have a heart you will cry*

* 6 years after the band broke up*

"Can we go see Daddy now?" I look down at the little 5 year old tugging on my hand. Her dark brown hair and bright blue eyes. This was our daughter, Carly. "Sure come on,"I smile at her trying to hide the pain i felt.

Our 10 year old son we adopted follows behind. His name was Liam. (Niall says he wants to name his son after Liam) When we walk into the room i hold back my tears.

Niall laid there on the hospital bed. He was hooked up to a bunch of machines, he had bags under his eyes, and looked weak. "Daddy!" Carly calls and runs up to Niall. I look back at Liam to see him standing there just staring at Niall.

"It's ok, he's just a little sick," I whisper wrapping an arm around him kissing him on the head. He looks up at me and then slowly makes his way over to the bed. I watch all three of them smiling a sad smile.

Niall had cancer. It had come out of no where one year ago. The doctors said that he would only last a month but here he was a year later but barely hanging on. I close my eyes for a minute breathing deeply to hold back the tears. I slowly walk over to the bed to sit by my family.

Niall's pov

"We brought Nandos," I look up as Harry, Louis, Liam, and Danielle walk trough the door along with their kids. I can't help but to smile brightly. The doctors didn't want me eating greasy food but i was Niall no one could stop me from eating Nandos.

I eat what was probably my last meal with my family. I could tell all of them were holding back tears because of the kids, i know i was. This was the last time i would see them all. The docters had said this was probably gonna be my last day alive.

I didn't want to die. I didn't to leave all of them. I knew this would be hard on the kids, and most of all Zayn. I knew Zayn was strong and would help everyone trough this. But who would help him trough it?

"Kids why don't we go get ice cream?"Danielle asks and all the kids get up and leave the room. Except for my and Zayn's Liam. He pauses at the door and then runs back to me. "I love you dad,ill never ever forget you, and don't worry ill help them get trough this,"He whispers into my ear.

Even though he was only 10 i knew that he would live up to his word and help Zayn and Carly. "I love you too, ill always be with you, not where you can see me but in your heart,"I say kissing his forehead. He smiles at me weakly and runs out to join the other kids.

I break down crying and Zayn pulls me into his arms kissing my head. "We'll miss you Nialler, i can't imagine life without you,"Harry starts but breaks down crying. Louis pulls him into his arms and Liam tries to pick up where harry left off but starts crying too.

"Guys it's OK you don't have to say anything, i know you all love me and will miss me, ill miss you all too. One Direction was one of the best things that ever happened to me, meeting you guys and everything else. You guys are my best you are my brothers and i love you all so much. Just all i ask is you help Zayn and the kids trough this," I manage to say this before i start crying again.

They all nod and come forward to hug me. One last group hug. We hug for what seems like forever but was actually only a couple of minutes. "I love you,"They all say at once. They take turns kissing my forehead.

"What do you say, one last song?" Zayn asks bringing my guitar out from the side of the bed. "Why not,"I sigh. We sing forever young for awhile before we have to stop because all cracked voices from holding back tears.

We all hug one last time before they walk to the door. "Goodbye Niall," They all say before leaving alone to be with my husband. Zayn breaks down and starts shedding the tears he's been holding in. "I don't want you to go,"He sobs into my chest.

"I know baby i dont want to leave you either, but i have to, just know i'll always be with you," I say trying to hold back the tears that wanted to come loose. But i had to stay strong for him. "I know you will, you'll be ever where i look," he chokes out.

"I need you to promise me you will stay strong for our kids,"I say. When he dosn't say anything i tilt his face up to look at me. "Zayn promise me, promise me that you will not leave these kids alone, they need a dad,"I demand.

"I won't leave them i promise,"He says and i saw the hurt flash trough his eyes. I knew that he would want to leave the world to be with me again but i could'nt let them do that. But i also saw that he wasn't lying.

"I love you," I whisper scooting down to lay face to face with him. "I love you too," He says kissing me softly on the lips.

*Zayn's pov

We lay there for hours. Me watching his sleeping face. I didn't want to believe he could die in any minute but i had too. Epically when the soft beeping stopped and all it did was make one long non stop beep.

"No Niall, don't leave me!" I yell pulling him into my arms. I start sobbing against the lifeless boy's hair. "No no no, you can't, please come back!"I whisper kissing his forehead multiply times. "Come on Zayn," A voice says and i feel hands on me pulling me away.

"No i can't leave him,"I sob pulling away to run back to him. "I love you, i love you so much,"I yell into his chest clutching at his hospital gown. "Zayn he's gone, come on,"I look behind me to see Liam.

He pulls me into his arms and i go limp in them. "No he can't be gone, he just cant be," I whisper against his chest. "Shh it's ok Zayn I'm here,"He says pulling me against him as we start to walk.

I ignore all of the sad looks from all the people that just saw all that and just cry into Liam's chest. I barely notice that Liam puts me in his car. I don't really notice anything, i just see his beautiful face in my mind.

*God I'm crying so hard. That was the saddest then i ever wrote. It was so hard to make Niall die but it had to happen. :(

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