Chapter 19

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Zayns pov**

"Hi Zayn,"She smilies at me. "Hi Aurora,"I say very confused. "What the hell are you doing here, got yourself put in rehab?"I ask earning a glare from her. "No actually im the nurse." "How are you a nurse you were just working at Nandos."

"I was a nurse before working there but i got fired now time to start your tests,"She smilies but i looked evil. "What do you mean tests?"I ask but then theres a sharp pain in my arm. I gasp. I look down to see she stuck a needle in my arms.

"What are you doing?"I yell trying to pull away. "Im just taking your blood calm down."She laughs. I could tell she enjoyed my pain. "You had to just stick it in me? That hurt,"I yell.(hahaha thats what she said;P) "Sorry i should have warned you,"She says but her eyes were filled with amusment.

We take more tests which include me peeing in a cup with her and some other nurse watching. Which was creepy. Then the guy comes back in and put me in another room. This one looked like the room of a therapist, just it was really gloomy.

"Hello you must be Zayn." She says. I turn around to see the bitch that sent me here in the first place. "Its you."I say glaring at her. "Excuse me?"She asks. "Your the same chick that sent me here." "No thats my twin sister,"

Oh thats just great. Theres two of them and this one looked even faker then the other one. "Ok lets start now why are you here?"She asks. I groan and put my head in my arms. Here we go again.


Liam's pov

We had got back to London yesterday. "Are you sure your find with waiting for Zayn?" I ask Danielle. I just got done telling her where Zayn was. "Yes i want him there,"She says. She looked ready to cry so i hug her into my chest. She loved the boys almost as much as i did.

"Lets go!"I hear Harry yell. We were all at Niall's apartment and they were supose to be talking to him because Niall wanted to go find Simon and ask where Zayn is so he could break him out. I should have never have put that idea in his head.

Just then Harry walks in dragging Louis behind him. "Where are you going?"I ask. "On a date, he is way to depressing and it keeps yelling at us,"He mutters then pulls Louis with him out the door. "Ill be right back,"I tell Danielle and walk up to Niall's room.

When im about to open the door it opens and NIall comes out running into me. "Where do you think your going,"I ask him. "To call Simon,"He snaps looking up at me. He looked angry, sad, and determined all at the same time.

"Niall come on, your not gonna be able to break him out, i should have never of said that,"I say pushing him back into the room. He tries to run past me so i pick him up and throw him on the bed. "Get off me!"He yells when i sit on his stomach.

I put his arms over his head and lean down so he looking straight at me. "Niall stop this isnt helping, your just making it worse on everyone else,"I yell. His eyes fill with tears and just looks at me weird. "Niall?"I ask. He dosnt respond just keeps staring.

He leans up and i go to move but im to late and he kisses me. "Niall!"I yell pushing his face away. "Im sorry, i just miss him, i need to feel loved, he left me, harry and louis left me, everyone hates me,"He crys and runs into the bathroom.

I wipe off my mouth and walk over to the bathroom door. "Niall come on you know we love you, Zayn didnt leave you, simon made him go to rehab,"I sigh against the door. The door unlocks and he opens it.

"Then we go yell at Simon,"He says then runs out of the room before i can stop him. "Come on Niall, its simon he's not gonna change his mind,"I yell running after him. I see him run into the living room then a door slams.

"Where is he?"I ask Danielle. She points at the closet confused. "BRING BACK ZAYN!"Niall yells and i flinch. I go to the door and listen. "Niall come on."I yell. "I dont care what that bitch said, she lied, you have to bring him back,"Niall yells.

"What are you gonna tell everyone, that one member of One Direction has been sent off to rehab for self hurt? Yeah thats not gonna hurt business at all,"He says. "FINE ALL FIND HIM MYSELF,"Niall yells and i back away from the door.

"He's telling everyone Zayn's sick, like that's gonna work for two months,"Niall says handing me the phone. "Now i need to go search for rehab centers around the world that Zayn would be sent too,"Niall says mostly to himself and walks out.

I groan and go to follow him. "Liam just leave him, you know how many rehab centers there are,"Danille says. I sigh and go sit by her.


(Next day)Niall pov

"Are you serious, she told everyone not to be my thereapist because i tried to kill her?"I ask the lady at the front desk. She nods and goes back to her work. "I did not try to kill her,"I mutter and walk back over to Liam.

"They wont take me, the last therapsit told everyone i tried to kill her,"I say. "Well did you,"He asks rasing an eyebrow. "NO! i may have attacked her but i didnt kil her,"I say. "Niall,"He groans. "Well i guess i dont have to do therapy anymore,"I say and run out of the room.

I hit someone and fall down. "Im so sorry,"I say helping the girl off the floor. "Its fine,"She mutters picking up her stuff. "Niall now what did you do?"I hear Liam ask as he runs over to us. "Its fine really," Then she looks up at us.

"Your Niall Horan and Liam Payne,"She gasps. Oh god. Please do not scream. I nod waiting for the scream that never comes. "Do you work here?"Liam asks her trying to chage the subject. "I did i just got fired, actually it was because i said you wouldnt try to kill someone, and my boss fired me becuase she's friends with the lady that said it, ill shut up now,"She says blushing.

"Im so sorry,"I say. "Wait are you a therapist?"Liam asks. I turn around and glare at him. I was happy i wouldnt have to do therapy. "Yes, well when i find another job,"She mutters. No no no. Liam do not ask.

"Well now that everyone thinks Niall will kill them, he need a therapist, so would you?"Liam asks and i swear in my head. "Yes yes please, its hard to find a place that will take me,"She yells hugging Liam then blushes.

"Im sorry,"She mutters. "Its fine, here's his file just call the number in it tonight and well make an apointment,"Liam says and hands her a file. How did he get my file? Damn him.

"Ok i will,"She says. I stalk away to the car. "Why cant you just let me not have a therapist?"I yell at him. "Niall we both know you need one,"He sighs. "At least she dosnt look fake and shes young and pretty,"He says. "Oh thats great Harry's gonna try to rape her,"I mutter.

"I would not!"Some one says from the back. I jump and turn around. "What the fuck are you doing here!"I yell when i see Harry and Louis sitting back there. "Um we wanted to well really we were just i dont know,"He mutters scrathcing his head.

"He made me come,"Louis says when i look at him. "How did you even get in here?"Liam asks turning around to glare at Harry. "How did you know we were here?" "We didnt we were at that resturant over there, and well we saw your car so we were gonna come and see how you were doing then you came out so we jumped in the car,"He shugs.

"So wheres your car?"I ask them. "OMG i forgot about my baby,"Louis yells and gets out running toword the resturant. "Can i stay with you, he talks to that car and it quite creepy,"Harry asks. "NO get out,"Liam and i yell at the same time. He frowns and gets out. "Well that was random,"I say tuning back around. Liam justs nods his head and starts the car.


(its short but i did just upload like an hour ago so.......Anyone else see the mystery person, Aurora coming? Cause i didnt, i just randomly added her. lol now i need to go do the dishes!YAY.......not:( Next chapter will be up tomorow if i have time, but its a monday so i dont know if i will)

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