Chapter 24

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"Niall," I hear someone calling me name softly. I groan and roll over. "Niall,"The voice calls again louder. "Niall James Horan!"I jump up and fall off the bed when my name is screamed. "What?"I whine blinking my eyes to try to wake up.

"HAPPY BIRTHDAY!"They all yell as Zayn picks me up off the floor. "This is some way to wake up the birthday boy,"I mumble. "We have cake,"Louis calls. "Well hello guys, thanks for saying Happy Birthday, now where the cake,"I say smiling.

They all laugh and Zayn carries me out of the room. "Can't i walk?"I groan. "No because pretty soon, when your the fattiest 19 year old alive I'm gonna have to carry you around all the time,"Zayn laughs. "Would you still love me?"I ask.

"Hmm i don't know...ow,"Zayn says when i hit him on the chest. "Yes of course i would,"He whispers kissing me. I smile up at him. "Now wheres the damn cake?" He laughs and stops walking. I look in front of us and there's a huge bouncy castle on the balcony.(they have a big balcony) "YAY!"I yelll.

Zayn's Pov*

We had managed to get a boucny castle up on the balcony. But it took forever. "Bouncy Castle!"Louis yells running after Niall with Harry behind him. Liam comes to stand next to me. "They never grow up do they?"He laughs.

"Either do I,"I yell running over to the castle and sliding inside. "Come on Liam!"I call as i start jumping. "It's fun!"Niall yells. Liam sighs shaking his head but runs over. We jump around for awhile before Niall remembers the cake.

I roll my eyes and bring him over to the cake. "You know you should probably greet the guest,"I whisper into his ear. He looks up at me confused before I point towards the door. "Mom!"He yells running over to her.

His parents just walked in along with some of his friends and my parents. They insisted that they come because they wanted to see me. I sit down as they start walking over to me. "Zayn hunny are you,"My mom asks studying me worried.

"I'm fine,"I sigh. "Why didn't you tell us about therapy?"She asks. "Because i didn't need it, i didn't even need rehab the therapist got mad at me and sent me there for no reason,"I say looking into her eyes to see if she believed me.

"It's true she told me,"Niall says wrapping an arm around my shoulders. "I believe you,"My dad says and my mom nods. "Happy Birthday dear,"My mom says and gets up to hug Niall. I was a little nervous because she didn't take it the gay news well but it went fine.

We talked and partied awhile before it was time for dinner. "OK it's time for Niall and I to go, but you guys are welcome to stay here,"I tell mine and Niall's parents. "We have a hotel, your two go have fun," Niall's parents says. "Yeah go have fun,"Greg says winking at us.

"Greg shut up,"Niall blushes hitting his brother lightly. Everyone laughs as i pull Niall inside. "Where we going?"he asks right away when were in the car. "Niall don't start,"I groan.

Niall's pov**

I smirk when he tells me to stop asking. I wake two minutes and ask again. "Niall shut up, it's a surprise,"He groans scowling at me. "Just tell me,"I whine. When he sakes his head no i look out the window.

"We there yet?"I ask again when i get bored. "Yes,"I turn to him excited. "Really?" "No,"He laughs. i glare at him before turning to the window. "Now were here,"He says. "Liar,"I mumble. "Fine stay here then,"He says and gets out.

When he keeps walking i get out and follow him. "Zayn why are we in a field in the dark, are you gonna rape me?"I whine when he keeps walking. He chuckles but dosn't answer me. "Zayn........woah!" I yell excitedly.

Next to Zayn was a hot air balloon and a guy. Zayn smiles and helps me get in. Zayn get in after me and smilies at my amused face. "Going up,"The guys says. The balloon starts to go up and i clap my hands excited like a little kid.

"Is there food?"I ask turning to Zayn when were all the way up in the air. "Of course,"Zayn laughs and grabs a basket. He takes out chocolate covered strawberries, brownies, and a bottle of wine. "Don't worry i didn't forget your favorite,"He laughs as he takes out a box.

"Nandos,"He says all dramatically as he opens the take out box. "Best birthday ever!"I yell as i start to eat. "Not over yet,"Zayn says and i almost choke on my food when i look up at his seductive face. "OK I'm done lets go,"I say.

"Niall eat,"He laughs. "Ill eat alright,"I say smirking at him. "Your turning into Harry, eat you food,"He says. I groan and start eating again very quickly. "Ok im done let's go!"I yell when i finish. He laughs at me and makes some sort of signal at the guy below.

"Thankyou,"Zayn tell the guy as i pull him towords the car. "Some ones impacient,"He laughs as i run to my door to get in quickly. "You still didn't get your present,"He says when i start the car telling him to drive.

"Zayn i don't need a present all of this was more then enough,"I sigh. "Well your present is a present for me to," He says. "What is it?" i ask. "Secret,"He laughs.


"Go look in the room,"I tell Niall when we get home. He runs off and i follow him. "Zayn why is their a fluff ball on the bed?"Niall calls running out smiling. "Why do you think?"I laugh. He runs over and kisses me before running back in the room.

"Do you like him? I was gonna get you a puppy but the person who owns the apartments says no,"I say studying his face. "I love him, what's his name?"Niall asks cuddling the kitten against his chest. "What do you want to name it?'

"Nandos,"He laughs and so do i. Didn't see that coming at all. "No im joking, how about Zayn?"Niall laughs and i scowl at him. "Can i name him Oreo?"Niall yells jumping up. "Of course you want to name him after food,"I sigh rolling my eyes.

"Hey he's black and white, it's the perfect name." "Just don't try to eat him,"I laugh. I watch Niall play with the kitten for awhile before i get impatient. "Did you forget about your last present?" I ask him. "What?.....Oh who's gonna watch my kitty,"He whines.

"HARRY!"I yell. "Pussy magnet at your service,"He says talking the cat from Niall. "Don't forget to feed him,"Niall calls after Harry as he leaves. "Why do i have a feeling this is gonna be the fattiest cat ever?"I sigh.

"It will not,"Niall gasps dramatically. "Will you just get over here,"I ask. He smirks at me before running over and jumping on the bed. "Thank you,"He says as he kisses me. "Anything for my Nialler."

(It's short but im not feeling very good. I have no idea where the cat thing came from, i just really like cats so i decided to add one to the story..LOL:D 3 likes till next chapter please<3)

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