Chapter 23

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(Deticated to IBarfDoubleRainbows becuase she made the new cover!!!Which i love so much<3xx)

Niall pov*

"Come on Zayn,"I yell at him. He was standing outside the pool while i was standing in it. "No,"He pouts crossing his arms. "Zayn!,"I say sternly. He sticks his tongue out at me. I look at Liam and nod my head. Liam sneaks up behind Zayn and pushes him in.

"Help I'm drowning,"Zayn yells as soon as he hits the water. "Zayn stand up,"I laugh. He stops thrashing around and stands up blushing. "That wasn't very nice,"He yells at Liam. "Yeah your not very nice keeping me waiting,"I tell him.

"OK now Mr.Grumpy were gonna try floating on ours backs OK?"I say really slowly just to make him mad. "Fine!"He says and turns around on his back. I put my hands under his back so he's floating. I slowly start to move him out farther.

"Niall! Don't move me to the deep end,"He yells jumping up out of my arms. Which was a bad idea because he couldn't touch anymore. I make him struggle for a bit before grabbing him. He held onto my arm like his life depended on it.

"Zayn i had you, i wasn't gonna let you drown," I say rolling my eyes at his glare. "Your not strong enough,"He mutters crossing his arms. "Liam can you help me, i guess I'm not strong enough,"I yell. Liam runs and jumps in knowing the splash will make Zayn mad.

"No Liam's not strong enough either,"He says and smirks. He thought i ran out of people. "Fine, Paul!"I call. "No No NO!'Zayn yells jumping at me. "Never mind!"I yell at Paul. He scowls at me before walking back over to where he was.

"Are you gonna let me and Liam do it then?"I ask him. He scowls but nods his head. We do the same thing and take him out to the deep end. I watch as Liam instructs him what to do. We let go and Zayn start to swim on his back.

"Good job, now lets try off your back,"I say clapping my hands. He looked scared. "Zayn, nothings gonna happen to you, I'm here, so are Paul, Liam and well i don't know where the other two went." Just as i say that Harry and Louis come out.

"We got you something,"Louis yells running over throwing two pink arm floats at me. "I'm not wearing those, One their not gonna fit, Two their pink,"Zayn yells grabbing them and throwing them back.

"Zayn, we just ran to the store to get those for you,"Louis pouts giving Zayn the puppy dog look. Zayn just glared at him. "Zayn for me?"I whine doing the same thing Lou was doing. He looks at me and sighs."Fine give me them,"He says.

"Not fair, im cute too!"Louis whines handing them over. Harry starts laughing and pointing behind me. With help from Liam, Zayn had gotten the tiny floaties over his arms. I bite my lip trying not to laugh. "Shutup,"Zayn mutters when he looks at me.

"You look....cute,"I say swimming over to him. "Come on Hazza, your not helping,"Louis tells Harry trying to pull him away. "Wait, just a second,"Harry says and runs back over to us. He takes out his phone and takes a picture.

"HARRY!"Zayn yells trying to go after him. "I don't think so, you can go kill him when you learn how to swim,"I say as Liam holds him back from leaving. "Fine!"He frowns.

Zayns pov**

Im gonna die, im gonna die,"I mutter. They had taken the arm floats off and were making me try with their hands holding me up. But now that i think about it i don't feel hands on me anymore. I turn my head to see they were all the way on the other side of the pool.

"You guys!I could have died."I yell at them standing up. "Zayn you did it, you were swimming,"Liam cheers. He was right i swam all the way over here by myself. "Swim back,"Niall cheers proudly. I do what Liam told me to do and i swim over to him.

"Good job babe,"Niall yells when i swim into his arms. "Do i get an award?"I ask smirking down at him. He smiles and leans up to kiss me. "I'm standing right here,"Liam scolds us. Niall pulls away and looks at me.

"Don't you have someone to kill?" "Oh yeah,"I yell swimming over to the steps to get out. I run out of the swimming area and into the apartment. Yes we had our own pool on the balcony. I stop running when i hear voices coming from the living room.

I slowly walk in and see Louis and Harry on the couch. I run at them and jump over the back of the couch onto Harry. "Delete the picture!"I yell grabbing his phone. "I did, now give it back,"He says. I look at Louis and he nods.

"Thank you,"I sigh handing it back. "Not before putting it on Twitter,"He yell getting up and running out of the room. "Lou can you tell him to delete it?"I whine looking over at him. "No, you got me wet,"He snaps walking out of the room like he's on a catwalk.

"Zayn you might want to see this,"Niall laughs coming into the room with his laptop. "Now trending on Twitter, Zayn in pink arm floats. I groan. "Ha look at this one." I look at the laptop. The tweet said *Bradford Bad Boi not so bad anymore with the picture under it.

I watch as Niall's moves the mouse and retweets it."Niall,"I yell. He looks at me innocently. "What? Your not bad your sweet,"He says. I grab the laptop from him and write a new tweet as Niall.

"My boyfriend is definably still a Bradford Bad Boi, Did you have to put a wink face next to it, there gonna think i meant your rough in bed,"He whines. "Good,"I whisper into his ear biting at his ear. "Zayn don't we have to get ready,"He yells backing away.

"For what?" "Umm that thing,"He stutters nervously. "There is no thing, Niall"I say crawling over to him smirking. "Yes there is," He chokes out running out of the room. "Fine, ill just be sitting here, all alone,"I call after him.

When i see him poke his head back in to look at me i take my shirt off. "Damn you!"He yells jumping at me. "What do you want?"I ask not letting him kiss me. "Don't start with me,"He hisses and i let him kiss me.

"Really!When were all hear?"Liam yells. "Then go away,"I yell at him. "We have company, so unless you want to be seen half naked by my parents i suggest putting you shirts on,"He hisses. I groan and push Niall off me.

"Why are they in our apartment?"I ask Niall. "Dinner, to talk about the wedding, we have the biggest kitchen,"He shrugs. I just put my shirt on when Liam's mom walks in. "Hello boys, how are you?"She asks.

"Good,"I mumble as we walk over to hug her. "Are you better now Zayn?" She asks looking at me worried. I glance at Niall. "She knows,"Niall says. "I'm perfectly fine, rehab fixed me right up,"I lie. "Good, im glad your better."

She leaves and i band my head against the wall. "Zayn what are you doing?"Niall asks running over to me. "Do my parents know?" "Yeah we had to tell them, the whole you sick thing didn't stop them from wanting to see you,"He shrugs.

"Great, can't wait to see them,"I say sarcastically. "Get in here, and greet Danielle's parents,"Liam demands coming in. He leaves again and we follow after him.


Niall's pov

I was sitting next to Zayn at the dinner table. I was ready to grab him and run to the damn bedroom. He kept smirking at me and putting his hand on my leg. I was trying to pay attention to the conversation but he was making it impossible.

"May i be excused?"Zayn asks. I look over at him. "Yeah you guys don't have to sit here,"Liam says looking at us. Zayn gets up and leaves. I jump up and follow after him quickly. "Zayn?"I ask when i can't find him.

I look in the bathroom before going to our bedroom. "Zayn?"I call. I stop when i find him pretending to sleep on the bed. I run and jump on him. "Zayn, you can't do this to me!"I whine. "But im tired."He says smirking with his eyes closed.

"You just teased me for the last hour,so get your ass up,"I yell. "No we need to sleep, tomorrow is your birthday."He says smiling up at me. "No it isn't!" "Yeah it is, today is September 12." I stop and grab my phone to look at the calendar.

"How did i forget my own birthday! I didn't even realize Liam had his birthday." "Will you just go to sleep,"Zayn whines pulling me down next to him. I get up and undress so I'm only in my boxers. "You better hope the Birthday se......"He cuts me off. "Trust me it will, when is it not? now go to sleep,"He mumbles.

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