Chapter 5

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Zayn pov**

I feel someone move it the bed next to me and i jolt awake only to lay back down because of a headache. I was in Nialls bed and i could feel a body next to me. I open my eyes and look. Im surprised to see black hair instead of the blonde i was exspecting.

I sit up again when i notice its Aurora. I see a nother body and relize that was Niall. What the fuck happend last night. I try to rack my brain but everything was a blur. I quickly get out of bed and look around for my boxers when i relize im naked.

I accidently stub my toe on his dresser and i swear loudly. "WTF Zayn, why are you naked?" Niall laughs from the bed. I turn and look at him after i grab a towel wrapping it around my waist. "How would i know, please tell me your not naked,"I scowl at him.

"Um yeah i kind of im and so is she,"He says pointing at the body next to him. "Oh god, we never speak of this again," I mumble leaving the room to run into Harry. I mentally groan. "WOAH Zayn why are you naked,"Harry asks staring at me then back at Niall on the bed.

"NIALL AND ZAYN ARE BOTH NAKED AND IN THE SAME ROOM WITH A NAKED AURORA ON THE BED,"Harry screams running away before i can kill him. "What is going on?"Aurora asks waking up.

"You can tell her,"I snap at Niall before walking away to my room. "So Ziall is finally real huh?" Louis asks when i come in the kitchen after im dressed. I groan and bang my head on the table. "Woah mate dont hurt yourself, ill have to go get your boyfriend,"Harry says smirking at me.

"Will you two shutup, we were drunk, and personaly i blame Liam," Niall says coming in to the room. "What!How is it my fault?"Liam protests. "You dared us to kss and zayn found out how good of a kisser i am,"He anwsers back patting me on the head.

"Pshh if anything you found out how good a kisser i am, and you are the one that dragged me to your room when i wanted to go to sleep,"I say starting to remember things.

"Woah Niall you sly dog, dragged Aurora and Zayn to your room to have a threesome, our little boy is growing up,"Danielle says looking at Liam when she says the last part. "I did not,"He protests. "Yes you did Niall and i could kill you for it too,"Aurora says stretching from the doorway.

"I bet someones sore,"Harry snickers earning a smack from Liam then Louis. "Your right i am, remind me never to get wasted when im with you guys,"She says throwing something at him. She goes to the fridge and starts getting stuff out. "Now everyone out unless you wanna help,"She snaps.

We all hurry out of the room while danielle stays. We all sit down in the living room to watch TV. "You guys do know we have to go to the studio soon to record right?"Liam asks reading a text on his phone.

"NO!Jimmy protested,"Louis yells earning a laugh from all of us."Do we have to?"Harry whines. "Do you want simon to kill us?"Liam asks. "NO!" I yell shuddering.



"What is wrong with you?"Simon snaps at us when we all groan when he makes us sing WMYB for the sixth time. "Well lets see im sore because of Louis, Aurora over there is sore because Niall and Zayn, Niall and zayn are having an akward day because they had a drunk threesome with her, and all of us are hungover,"Harry states smiling when we all hit him.

"To much information,Simon says glaring at harry then he turns to us. "You two better get out of your akwardness because we have to get this done. and if you two have anything to tell me, tell me before the world,"He says looking over at Louis and Harry.

Did he seriouly just ask if we were gay together. I glance at Zayn and shrug. Simon finally tells us we can go and we truge into the Limo. "I say we go kill Harry,"Zayn says pretending to strangle him. "Yeah now he thinks were gay together, thanks harry,"I mumble.

"Your welcome, i can see it now 4/5 of one direction gay,"Harry says. "Unless Liam has something to tell us,"Louis says trying to look serious. "What no!im not gay,"He says glaring at Lou. "Fine be a loner,"Lou pouts sticking his tounge out.

The car goes sitlent as we drive home. I find myself studing Zayn. His goregous brown hazaly eyes, muscled arms, the way he licked his lips. Oh god i wanted him. Wait what? Did i just think that.

"Niall you ok?"Zayn asks looking at me. "Umm yeah why?" I ask nervously biting my lip. "Because you were mumbling things,"He smirks."Oh sorry, i was thinking about food, i want it because im really hungry,"I say quickly. His face falls. "Oh."

Did he want me to say i wanted him? No of course he didnt. "Well im going to Danielles," I hear liam say. I look up and notice were home. "You gonna get out or sit in there all day?" Harry asks poking his head back in the limo.

I roll my eyes at him and climb out."Lou and I are leaving,"Harrys says walking to his car where louis is waiting. "And i have to work,"Aurora says leaning up to kiss me. "Awww but i need food,"I whine fake crying.

She rolls her eyes,"Then go make something just dont burn the house down." She walks away to her car. "No promises,"I yell back going into the house. I go into the living room and jump on to the couch without looking.

"Ow Niall,"I hear a voice whine. I jump up startled to see zayn laying there with a blanket over him. "No need to sguish me i can move over,"He laughs opening the blanket for me. I hesitate. "Just like we used too,"He says. "It wasnt that long ago since we cuddled, it was like 6 days ago,"I mutter rolling my eyes.

I turn on the TV before cuddling up next to him so his head was just above mine and his arm was wrapped around me. "Do you remeber anything from last night?"I ask looking up at him. He looked taken aback by the question. He thingks for a moment before shaking his head no. "Not really but im guessing you did something back there because its sore,"He says smirking at me.

"I would say sorry but you did the same to me, thats the one thing i can remeber,but im not all that sore, i kinda exspirmented before,"I say. Once me and one of my mates got drunk and kinda did it. "Same here, but im still sore,"Zayn says in my hear smirking.

We burst out laughing tears forming at our eyes. "Why are we laughing so hard." I dont know,"I choke out. We finally calm down and just look at each other. I stare into his brown eyes and find myself melting. Then my eyes travel down to his soft lips. Oh god how i wanted them on mine.

Without think i lean up and kiss him hard. He resondes right away and wraps his hand in my hair. This was so wrong but at the same time felt so right. Without breaking the kiss he pulls me one him so im stradling him. He licks my bottom lip asking for entrance but i dont let him.

He grinds his hips into mine making me gasp. he slips his tounge in and our tonges fight for dominace. "Hey just forgot something,"I hear Liam yell from the door closing it. Zayn moves so im next to him again. I try to control my raggid breathing and i can tell Zayns trying to do the same.

Liam comes into the room and smiles brightly when he sees us. "Well im leaving now," He says simply smirking with this werid look in his eyes. He leaves and i sigh relieved. We lay there in an akward silence. Even more akward since i could feel Zayn semi hard on my butt and i had one also.

We just stay in the same postion and try to forget about it and watch the movie. But it was hard to do because i felt guilty. i just cheated on Aurora with my bestfriend.

"Zayn im sorry i didnt mean to do that, it was wrong and a mistake,"I whispear. "Its fine,"He says. He sounded hurt. God i was so confused.

"Zayn,"I whispear after awhile. "Yeah?"He asks. "Im hungry." He starts laughing. "Come one well go to mcDonalds." I jump up quickly and run to get my shoes on. "Come on you little 5 year old,"Zayn laughs opening the door.


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