Chapter 18

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Zayn's pov

At night fall we finally reach the "rehab'" place. But if you ask me it looked more like a prison. It was a cement buiding that had bars on the few windows it had. There was a huge fence surrounding it, three huge pitbulls, and the land the building sat on was surrounded by water.

Right when i step off the plane two huge guys grab my arms and force me to start walking. Yup deffinaly a prison. Once were inside they i have to close my eyes from all the blinding lights. The walls, ceiling, and floor were all white. With hanging lights that im sure that if i looked at them id go blind.

"Sleep,"One of the guys say and shove me into a room. "What about my phone call!"I yell running at the door. They both laugh and slam the door shut. I hear the click of the door locking. Great no phone call, no food, no nothing.

The room didnt help with my mood either. It was a tiny white room with a metal door. There was no window just a tiny cot to sleep on and a metal toilet. I sigh and lay down the the cot. It was hard as rock and there was no pillow.

I was never gonna be able to sleep. One because this bed. Two because i missed my Nialler, Three because niall had to go through his nightmare alone. What if he was crying right now? What if he was mad at me for not saying goodbye? I should have never of agreed to doing this. I hope the guys were at least helping him.


Liam pov**

I sit up quickly when i hear Niall scream. I look at Louis and harry worried. "Niall,"I say but it dosnt do anything. He just keeps thrashing around and scratching his arm like someone was grabing it. "Zayn come back,"He whimpers.

"Sing,"Louis yells at me. I start singing again and Niall stops moving but still whimpers a couple of times. Louis lays down and wraps and arm around Niall's waist and he stops making noises. Harry lays back down sighing. I lay down holding Niall's hand and still singing. When i think he ok I stop singing and go to sleep.

Nialls pov**

When i walk up i was laying on someones chest and had two arms wrapped around me. One arm was Loui's the other was Liam's. I look up at Liam and he stares at me sadly. "Wheres," But then i stop and remember yesterday. Zayn was gone. For two whole months.

"You had the nightmare again,"Liam says and i look up at him. I roll onto my back waking up Louis in the process. "Im sorry guys, you dont need to stay with me,"I whisper looking at them guilty. I didnt want them staying up in the middle of the night trying to stop the nightmare.

"Niall it's fine, we dont mind,"Liam says rubbing my back reasuringly. "Yeah we wouldnt be able to sleep knowing you were facing this alone,"Louis says and smilies at me sadly."But right now you have a therapist to see,"Liam says getting out of bed. "Do i have to,"I whine.

"Yes not get up,"He says then leaves to go who knows where. "Niall get your ass up and go so i can sleep,"Harry says lifting his head up bliinking his eyes to try to wake up. "Go to your bed then you can get naked and sleep,"I say glaring at him.

"To late,"He smirks. It take me a minute before i get what he saying. I jump out of bed and scowl at him. "EW EW EW,"I yell at him. He just grins as Louis rolls his eyes. "Your in a bed with three other guys and you get naked, thats just wrong,"I mutter.

"Hey two of them happen to be gay so its not that weird,"He shoots back grinning. "Niall he's lying he has boxers on, he tried to get naked last night but i wouldnt let him,"Louis says smacking harry on the head. "Thank God!,"I say. "Niall lets go!"I hear Liam yell.

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