To my first love,
Never shall i forget the day i first saw you. I was in gym class when i noticed you and how I had your brother in my 4th period every B day. He reminded me of you, a lot actually. I'll never forget that day when we first started texting and it gave me butterflies each time your name popped up on my phone. I'll never forget when I saw you hug that girl in the hallway by her class and how my friend said my name and I told her I saw it and started walking faster to my class. I'll never forget when all my friends started texting you for some reason and that you thought I was with one, one day and you said "I think one of your friends are texting me." I'll never forget when we actually talked in person and all I could do was smile the whole time and my friend picked on me the whole time. I'll never forget your birthday and that you're zodiac sign is a virgo. Even though we don't talk anymore there's still a little bit of me that cares, even though I don't want to. There's always something about the first that keeps you somewhat attached even though you've moved on. We look out for each other hoping for the best on the sideline. Hoping you'll have a happy family when you're older and that you get to do the thing you love the most.

Excerpt from a Book I will Never Write
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